Runas. Journal of Education and Culture

Current Issue

Vol. 6 No. 11 (2025)
Published January 16, 2025
Issue in progress | 11

Continuous publication January-June 2025


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July 16, 2021

Call for Papers | General Section - Book Reviews

Permanent call


January 4, 2021

Communication and Digital Culture

Daniela Nathaly Falconí Monard, Fabián Vladimir Argudo Palomeque
Analysis of digital narratives of Tiktok male influencers and its influence on content viralization
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Byron Wilfrido Sánchez León, Renato Xavier Zamora Arízaga
Audiovisual content of the podcast and its impact on school educommunication in the city of Ambato, Ecuador
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Nelson Alexanders Hernández Ruiz, Rommy Andrea España Salvador
Analysis of president Daniel Noboa's visual narrative on instagram and Its impact on public perception
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Hugo Fabián Gálvez Tapia, José Luis Rodríguez Manzano
Analysis of language and cinematic editing and their impact on digital communication strategies on YouTube
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Andrés Santiago Campoverde Cárdenas, Sandra Elizabeth Mena Clerque
Analysis of the podcast as an educational communication strategy and its connection with the audience
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María Patricia Romero Estrada, Juan Edmundo Álvarez Gavilanes
Public communication generated through Facebook: impact on citizen perception in Cuenca, Ecuador
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RUNAS. Journal of Education & Culture, it's a peer-reviewed publication that publishes 2 issues per year. Founded in 2020, seeks to preserve the spirit of Leonidas Proaño, who dedicated his life to working with the indigenous people of the Andean region of Ecuador, devoid of formal education, and therefore of rights that allow them to live in dignity. This journal aims to examine education with a critical, contextual vision that contributes to the dissemination of the reality of this field in peripheral countries and its possibility of liberation.

*"RUNAS" It is a word that comes from the Kichwa language of the indigenous peoples of Ecuador, used to refer to men, human beings.