Diagnosis of the use of flipped classrooms in English as a foreign language classes through teachers' perception in secondary education institutions in the city of Ambato


Inverted classroom; perception; teachers; secondary education; assessment; English as a foreign language. Aula Invertida; percepción; docentes; educación secundaria; evaluación; inglés como lengua extranjera. Flipped Classroom; perception; teachers; secondary education; assessment; EFL.

How to Cite

López Jordán, J. A., & Argudo Garzón, A. L. (2023). Diagnosis of the use of flipped classrooms in English as a foreign language classes through teachers’ perception in secondary education institutions in the city of Ambato. Runas. Journal of Education and Culture, 5(9), e240153. https://doi.org/10.46652/runas.v5i9.153


The application of flipped classroom techniques in second language acquisition has garnered increasing attention due to its potential to enhance student academic performance and motivation at the secondary school level. This literature review examines existing research on flipped classrooms within English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instruction, aiming to contextualize an investigation into teacher perceptions of adopting flipped models in Ambato public middle and high schools. By evaluating educator attitudes and experiences with Flipped EFL classrooms via surveys and interviews. This study intends to provide data-backed guidance to regional institutions and instructors on challenges, outcomes, best practices, and recommendations to enable effective implementation. With strong English proficiency closely tied to academic and career opportunities for Ambato youths, this research seeks to assess the viability of flipped techniques for optimizing local EFL pedagogy by spotlighting teacher-centered perspectives on friction points and successes in employing flipped learning.



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Copyright (c) 2023 José Andrés López Jordán, Antonio Lenín Argudo Garzón


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