Runas. Journal of Education and Culture <p><strong>RUNAS. Journal of Education and Culture</strong>, ISSN 2737-6230, is a refereed academic journal that publishes 2 issues per year (January-July and August-December). Founded in 2020, it seeks to publish articles related to education and culture around the world, in terms of reality verification, since these fields are interrelated as key elements of the development of peoples. We welcome contributions from researchers, academics, and young students with a critical, contextual vision that contributes to the dissemination of the reality of the fields described, mainly in peripheral countries, and their reflection on the alternatives/possibility of liberation.</p> <p>*<em><strong>"RUNAS</strong>"</em> is a word that comes from the Kichwa language of the indigenous peoples of Ecuador, used to refer to human beings.</p> en-US (Hernán Díaz R.) (Administrador) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 A Focus on Technical English for High School Students Pursuing a Specialized Career in Hotel Services <p>The study delves into the pertinent literature on English for Specific Purpose (ESP) in Hotel Services and the existing research and educational practices in this domain. Examining relevant literature, encompassing scientific articles and empirical studies yields insights into students’ language needs, teachers’ challenges, and teachers’ perceptions of ESP when teaching in Hotel Services. These results are significant for educators, curriculum developers, and policymakers, as they can enhance ESP education and equip students for successful careers in the hotel industry. Moreover, the study could pave the way for further research on ESP education in other specialized fields, building on the findings of this study.</p> Sonia Lucía Torres Lituma, Juanita Catalina Argudo-Serrano Copyright (c) 2024 Sonia Lucía Torres Lituma, Juanita Catalina Argudo-Serrano Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Exploring Innovative Neuropedagogical Implications in English as a Foreign Language Teaching <p style="font-weight: 400;">This literature review takes a semi-systematic approach to explore new neuropedagogical insights for teaching English as a Foreign Language. It investigates how integrating neuropedagogy with technology can improve motivation, inspiration, and learning outcomes in language education. The research covers literature from 2000 to 2024, identifying trends, challenges, and advancements in this field within the context of EFL teaching. The review includes studies that demonstrate the positive impact of incorporating principles such as personalized learning, neuroplasticity, and cognitive psychology into language instruction. Results show a strong link between neuropedagogical approaches and increased student motivation, engagement, and language proficiency. Additionally, using technology tools in language learning environments aids adaptive learning methodologies personalized feedback, and interactive experiences. This review emphasizes the importance of implementing innovative neuropedagogical strategies alongside technological advances for dynamic and effective EFL teaching practices. A combination of neuroscience-informed pedagogy along with digital tools shows potential for optimizing language learning environments, fostering student-centered learning, and enhancing linguistic proficiency among EFL learners.</p> Gabriela Solano, Melita Vega Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriela Solano, Melita Vega Sat, 06 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Implementation of the flipped classroom as a pedagogical approach to foster active learning in high school students in the subject of history <p class="p1">The research addresses the importance of innovation in the educational field, focusing on the implementation of the inverted classroom as an educational strategy in the teaching of History for students in the second year of high school. The objective is to efficiently apply the inverted classroom to improve the teaching-learning process in this subject. The methodology employed includes a systematic scientific research, with a detailed analysis of bibliographical sources and a comparative field study that evaluates the results of the traditional methodology versus those of the inverted classroom. The latter allows the teacher to offer an individualized treatment that covers all stages of the learning cycle: comprehension, knowledge, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. The results obtained show that the implementation of educational innovations, such as the inverted classroom, promotes more significant learning, increases student interest and makes the treatment of history more dynamic. In addition, an instrument was used to assess the acceptance of the proposal among students, concluding that the inverted classroom strategy is beneficial and well received. In summary, the research demonstrates that the incorporation of innovative methodologies in education can significantly improve the quality of learning and student participation.</p> Jessica Basantes Guerra, Miryam Alexandra Chicaiza Moreta, Jacqueline Cristina Miniguano Moyano Copyright (c) 2024 Jessica Basantes Guerra, Miryam Alexandra Chicaiza Moreta, Jacqueline Cristina Miniguano Moyano Fri, 02 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Absenteeism and job performance: An approach to the performance of the medical units of the Ambato General Hospital <p style="font-weight: 400;">The purpose of this research was to analyze the relationship between absenteeism and work performance in the medical units of the Ambato Regional Hospital. Using a quantitative approach, information was collected and analyzed from a stratified sample of 277 health workers with a questionnaire validated and adapted from Querales (2017), composed of 26 questions, which evaluated four dimensions (personal conditions, work characteristics, organizational culture and institutional policies), showed high reliability (?=0.782). The results indicated that 61.7% of the participants are always punctual and 69% never have family impairments. Spearman's correlation revealed a significant relationship between absenteeism and organizational culture (?= .159, p &lt; .008), but not with other dimensions. These findings suggest that organizational culture influences absenteeism levels, highlighting the need for organizational strategies to improve job performance. However, it is advisable to expand the sample and conduct longitudinal studies to obtain a more complete and generalizable view of this phenomenon in different hospital contexts.</p> Rocío del Pilar Toaza Andachi, Klever Armando Moreno Gavilanes Copyright (c) 2024 Rocío del Pilar Toaza Andachi, Klever Armando Moreno Gavilanes Thu, 17 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Unconstitutionality of Original Norm: Article 67 of the Constitution of Ecuador <p style="font-weight: 400;">The theories of constitutionalism and neo-constitutionalism presuppose a Constitution that defends and guarantees human rights that in written form, manifests the will of the people, which is why it has the character of supreme, however, it does not always work that way, since the constituent power in charge of drafting the Constitution can make mistakes. because it lacks limits in positive law, however, there are limits that come from the positive meta law on which Bachof bases himself to base the possibility of unconstitutional constitutional norms. In order to analyze the unconstitutionality of Article 67 of the Ecuadorian Constitution, the doctrinal and theoretical conceptualization of the possibility of unconstitutionality in original norms was carried out, in addition to the evaluation of the extension of the right to marriage to identify the limits that same-sex couples have in the exercise of this right, finally the unconstitutionality of the article was identified; applying the methodology of Grounded Theory, it was determined that it comes from the contradiction to the positive meta right by going against fundamental rights and principles, in addition it lacks effectiveness at present, making it invalid. To the question: How would the unconstitutionality of an original norm such as Article 67 of the Constitution be resolved? a reform was found as a solution, given the impossibility of filing an action of unconstitutionality.</p> Paola Mishelle Fajardo Chabla, Raúl Mauricio Parra Vicuña Copyright (c) 2024 Paola Mishelle Fajardo Chabla, Raúl Mauricio Parra Vicuña Thu, 14 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Comprehensive evaluation of responsible dog ownership practices in Lomas de Sargentillo cantón <p style="font-weight: 400;">In the Lomas de Sargentillo-Guayas canton, research on responsible dog ownership revealed deficient practices among guardians. A total of 367 households were analyzed, finding that most dogs are mongrels (69.4%) and young (3.15 years on average), with a low-cost mixed diet. Veterinary services are limited, focused on vaccination, and dermal diseases and ectoparasites are prevalent. In addition, dogs tend to evacuate freely and have walks with low co-responsibility. The results indicate a significant deficiency in responsible dog ownership (p?0.01), attributed to lack of information and citizen disinterest, in addition to the scarce application of legal ordinances.</p> Cristhofer Joao Tutivén Cruz, Manuel Esteban Maldonado Cornejo Copyright (c) 2024 Cristhofer Joao Tutivén Cruz, Manuel Esteban Maldonado Cornejo Wed, 13 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Factors that affect the job stability of the staff of the public company of the city of Latacunga <p style="font-weight: 400;">Satisfaction with promotion opportunities with the lowest index indicates that members of the organization have a perception of career stagnation. A lack of opportunities for growth and professional development can demotivate employees from pursuing opportunities outside the company. Therefore, it is critical for companies to establish clear career plans and provide opportunities for advancement. Professional development increases motivation and job stability. The organization of work obtained an index of 0.60, which indicates that internal planning can improve satisfaction. The lowest index (0.51) corresponded to promotion opportunities, which suggests that the perception of professional stagnation affects job stability. Last but not least, social, economic, and organizational factors have an impact on job stability. To increase staff retention and reduce turnover, companies must promote a positive work environment, offer competitive salaries, and establish clear promotion plans.</p> Oscar Santiago Monga Amaya, Nathalie del Consuelo Campos Murillo Copyright (c) 2024 Oscar Santiago Monga Maya, Nathalie del Consuelo Campos Murillo Thu, 05 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Occupational hazards of the liquefied petroleum gas plant of a ceramics plant in Cuenca Ecuador <p style="font-weight: 400;">Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is a key fuel at the Graiman Industrial Group, used to provide power to various machinery and equipment. However, the handling and use of LPG in these industrial processes implies significant risks for both workers. These risks may include explosions, fires, and exposure to toxic substances. Therefore, the company has adopted various methods to comply with Occupational Safety and Health (OHS) regulatory and legal requirements, focusing on hazard identification and risk assessment for LPG unloading machinery operators. The primary method implemented is a Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Matrix, which provides comprehensive coverage for most plant situations and activities. This matrix serves as a fundamental tool to evaluate risks, allowing for their systematic classification and prioritization. Thus, the necessary control measures can be appropriately assigned to minimize risks and guarantee a safe work environment, protecting both employees and anyone present at the Graiman Industrial Group facilities.</p> Luis Manuel Picon Vizñay, Solano Peláez José Luis Copyright (c) 2024 Luis Manuel Picon Vizñay, Solano Peláez José Luis Thu, 05 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The use of Canvas and Voice Thread in an online English master’s degree <p>The implementation of technology is fundamental in the educational area and the basis for e-learning. Canvas and Voice Thread are two different online tools used in the learning process of an online master’s degree in English. The two virtual tools have been used by students with a professional status for the development of both individual and collaborative learning activities. The two online tools are different, and each has a function within the learning process. Therefore, this study seeks to know the experience and perceptions of the students of the English master’s degree about the use of technology, specifically the use of technological tools such as Canvas and Voice Thread in the learning process of the students. An interpretative design will be carried out through the use of a survey to know how students perceive the use of online tools and their comparative influence. The survey consists of three sections focused on personal information, perception of the online tools, comparison between their influence, and additional comments. The result of the study provides numerical data and descriptive knowledge of the influence of the online tools Canvas and Voice Thread in the development of the academic activities of adult learners in an online master’s degree. Canvas is one the most influential tools in online learning due to its benefits and advantages.</p> Karen Mishell Aguaiza Ruiz, Shalena Silvana Naranjo Andrade Copyright (c) 2024 Karen Mishell Aguaiza Ruiz, Shalena Silvana Naranjo Andrade Sun, 02 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Physical activity and mental health in adolescents aged 14 to 16 years. <p>Knowledge and the sociocultural environment influence the practice of physical activity, which is an important part of an individual's well-being. However, adolescence represents a time of change, not only physical but also psychological, and the presence of mental disorders can have a significant impact. Often, the relationship between physical activity and health is presented in a simplistic and unilateral manner, focusing on specific aspects instead of linking physical activity to the integral concept of physical, mental, and social wellbeing. For this reason, the research aimed to systematize the theoretical and methodological foundations supporting the benefits of physical activity in enhancing mental health in adolescents aged 14 to 16 years. The methodology used was a systematic review applying the PRISMA protocol, from the critical analysis of bibliographic sources published mainly during the years 2019-2024; articles in Spanish and English were selected from databases such as Latindex, Redalyc, Dialnet, Scielo, and the Google Scholar search engine, where different inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. As a result of this systematic review, a significant relationship was found between physical activity and adolescent mental health. In conclusion, it was determined that physical activity has a positive impact on the mental health of adolescents and their quality of life by reducing anxiety and depression, as well as promoting emotional resilience. Likewise, there is a need to investigate the specific barriers faced by different groups of adolescents.</p> Karen Andrea López López Copyright (c) 2024 Karen Andrea López López Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Learning styles and academic success in 21st century university students: a bibliometric analysis <p>The study between the learning style of college students and their academic performance in the 21st century is important to improve teaching methods and promote educational inclusion. The aim of this study is to review the information between the learning style of college students and their academic performance, focusing on identifying patterns and trends from a systematic review of the existing literature. A systematic review methodology was employed, performing searches in academic databases (SCOPUS) using key terms related to the topic. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to select relevant studies, working with 2,050 articles from 2019 to 2024 and data on learning style and students’ academic performance were extracted. The results obtained revealed a significant correlation between certain learning styles and academic performance in the 21st century. The results obtained revealed a significant correlation between certain learning styles and academic performance in the 21st century. In particular, it was observed that students with a preference for the reflective learning style showed higher academic performance compared to those with a preference for the active style. These findings have important implications for educational practice, as they suggest that adapting teaching methods and didactic resources according to the learning styles of college students for academic success.</p> María del Carmen Jardón Gallegos, Miguel Medina-Romero, José Vicente Díaz Martínez, Eber Jardiel Pérez Zúñiga Copyright (c) 2024 María del Carmen Jardón Gallegos, Miguel Medina-Romero, José Vicente Díaz Martínez, Eber Jardiel Pérez Zúñiga Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Key Optimization of the management of labor inconformities, agroindustrial sector. Sugar case in Ecuador <p style="font-weight: 400;">The degree work Optimization of the management of labor inconformities, agro-industrial sector. Sugar case in Ecuador starts from the scientific research question Is it possible to optimize the management of labor nonconformity in the agro-industrial sector? which is currently affected by inadequate administration, generating negative impacts on job stability. Likewise, the objective focuses on Determining the dimensions of the optimization of the management of labor nonconformity in the Ecuadorian sugar industry sector through a positivist paradigm, with independent variables such as labor disputes and dependent on optimizing the work climate. The methodological design adopts a quantitative, exploratory, descriptive and correlative approach, using surveys with a sample of 329 that was obtained from the total number of workers of an Ingenio in Ecuador. The cut is transverse, probabilistic not experimental. The results are based on the responses obtained from the surveys and the scientific question posed, as well as the general objective of the study, revealing that the majority of the participants are Ecuadorian adults between 31 and 40 years old, married, and working in the agricultural sector, earning between 501 and 1000 dollars a month, with a basic and predominantly La Troncal title. The data show that the country of origin, the experience of disagreements, schooling, the area of work, the level of income and the average of labor conflicts have a significant association with the perception of the work climate, while marital status and age do not significantly influence.</p> Silvia Vanessa Pullo Chuqui, Jaime Tinto-Andrade, Juan Bautista Solís-Muñoz Copyright (c) 2024 Silvia Vanessa Pullo Chuqui, Jaime Tinto-Andrade, Juan Bautista Solís-Muñoz Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Experimental teaching of fluid mechanics using Gowin's V as a teaching strategy <p style="font-weight: 400;">The study of physics is international and is present in all secondary school curricula and in a variety of university courses. The importance of this subject lies in the fact that most real-world problems can be solved from physics. That is why Gowin's V is proposed as a didactic strategy for the experimental teaching of Fluid Mechanics in students of the Pedagogy of Experimental Sciences degree at the University of Cuenca. In the research, a quasi-experimental methodology was used where the independent variable, Gowin's V, is manipulated as an educational strategy and the dependent variable, academic performance, is analyzed. The study has a quantitative approach and was carried out with a single experimental group to which a pre-test was applied, followed by the implementation of the teaching strategy and subsequently the knowledge post-test was applied. The results obtained show improvement in the didactic strategy, where statistically, using the Student's T test, the effectiveness of the proposal could be corroborated. In addition to seeing improvement in academic performance, it was possible to appreciate the effectiveness of Gowin's V in collaborative work where students shared experiences and through experimentation demonstrated physical principles.</p> Marco Alejandro Rojas Rojas, Freddy Patricio Guachún Lucero, Fredy Yunior Rivadeneira Loor Copyright (c) 2024 Marco Alejandro Rojas Rojas, Freddy Patricio Guachún Lucero, Fredy Yunior Rivadeneira Loor Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The relationship between Organizational Learning and the results in the financial performance of the University of the Armed Forces ESPE Latacunga headquarters <p style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">This research aims to analyze the relationship between organizational learning and financial performance at the University of the Armed Forces ESPE Latacunga campus. A quantitative methodology was used that combined descriptive elements, such as the analysis of financial indicators and inferential statistics for the processing of the survey. The study sample included 88 collaborators belonging to the institution. The results obtained from the analysis of the financial indicators identified an acceptable profitability with a ROA of 0.07 cents of a dollar and a ROE of 0.11 cents of a dollar. On the other hand, financial performance is strongly related to each of the key factors of organizational learning such as: ACE with a coefficient of 0.633, ACI with a coefficient of 0.715, DDC with a coefficient of 0.718, ITC with a coefficient of 0.727 and MO with a coefficient of 0.772. In conclusion, the institution exhibits solid management.</p> Diego Fernando Casco Núñez, Franklin Eduardo Mendoza Velastegui, Oscar Marcelo Cadena Chávez Copyright (c) 2024 Diego Fernando Casco Núñez, Franklin Eduardo Mendoza Velastegui, Oscar Marcelo Cadena Chávez Wed, 04 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Artificial intelligence transforming economic investment management into a new investment management model <p style="font-weight: 400;">Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing economic investment management, transforming traditional approaches into a new, more efficient and adaptive model. This change is due to AI's ability to analyze large volumes of data in real time, allowing investment managers to make more informed and faster decisions. One of the main benefits of AI in this context is its ability to identify patterns and trends in the market that could go unnoticed by human analysts. Tools such as machine learning and natural language processing facilitate the assessment of market sentiment, analyzing financial news and social networks to predict movements in asset prices. In addition, AI allows for the customization of investment strategies. Algorithms can adapt to each investor's preferences and risk tolerances, creating portfolios more aligned with their financial objectives. This not only improves potential performance, but also optimizes the user experience. However, this transformation also poses challenges. Over-reliance on algorithms can lead to situations where human factors or unforeseen events affecting the market are ignored. Regulation and ethics in the use of AI are crucial aspects that must be addressed to avoid risks associated with automated decisions. In conclusion, artificial intelligence is reconfiguring the economic investment landscape, offering innovative tools that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of managerial decisions. As this technology continues to evolve, its integration into financial management promises to redefine how investors interact with markets.</p> Carlos Román Sánchez Hernández, Manuel Alejandro Belisario Castillo Copyright (c) 2024 Carlos Román Sánchez Hernández, Manuel Alejandro Belisario Castillo Mon, 18 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Characterization of pedagogical models in basic Social Studies education <p>Over the years, pedagogical models have guided the teaching process in the area of Social Studies, through dynamic environments to transmit scientific knowledge effectively. The main objective of the present study was to characterize the use of pedagogical models in the basic teaching of Social Studies. The methodology employed was of mixed approach, combining quantitative and qualitative methods in data collection. The population selected for the study included 50 teachers from four types of educational institutions. Survey and interview techniques were used, in this sense, quantitative data were analyzed through the application of descriptive statistics and for the interview data, qualitative coding was used. The results revealed deficiencies in the application of a standardized pedagogical model adapted to the current generation of students. The teachers expressed their interest in acquiring new teaching methods to improve the learning of their subject, however, they considered that the humanistic model needs to be worked on with the students. To conclude, the detailed characterization of the importance, characteristics and timely application of the pedagogical models was fundamental for the strengthening of knowledge in teachers and students.</p> Enela Marbel Reyna Gracia, Elan Ignacio Delgado Cobeña Copyright (c) 2024 Enela Marbel Reyna Gracia, Elan Ignacio Delgado Cobeña Wed, 11 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Shared possession as a guarantee of the right to equality of parents <p style="font-weight: 400;">Shared custody of parents over minor sons and daughters has been a subject of various discussions in family trials, with possession being one of the most important aspects to be considered by the judge when making a decision in which Family coexistence has broken down and the parents decide to separate. In that sense, the subject of this study can be considered as a parental right, for which certain guarantees must be respected for its full exercise, and one of these guarantees is undoubtedly the equality that must prevail in the enjoyment of right. Thus, shared possession becomes a right not only for the minor, but also for the parents, and in which equality of conditions must be taken into account by the judge to preserve the protected rights.</p> Bolívar Iván Pozo Gordón, Diego Fernando Trelles Vicuña Copyright (c) 2024 Bolívar Iván Pozo Gordón, Diego Fernando Trelles Vicuña Wed, 13 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Feline orchiectomy: comparison of the use of the miller surgical knot and the biological knot <p style="font-weight: 400;">Castration or orchiectomy is a routine surgical intervention in veterinary practice, with multiple benefits including disease prevention, control of unwanted behaviors and mitigation of overpopulation problems. The present study, with a quantitative approach, seeks to compare the efficacy and animal welfare in two scrotal approach techniques (incision smaller and larger than 1 cm) in male cats submitted to orchiectomy. A sample of 40 felines, aged between 6 and 96 months, will be evaluated at the Clinica Veterinaria Solidaria in Cuenca, Ecuador. The Vancouver Scale will be used to evaluate surgical wound healing, while the Feline Grimace Scale will be used to evaluate postoperative pain in real time. Facial ethological constants will be compared between both surgical groups on postoperative days 0, 4, 8 and 12. The data obtained will be statistically analyzed using IBM® SPSS software with the aim of determining which of the evaluated incision techniques presents shorter healing time, less postoperative pain and, consequently, a better prognosis for the patient's well-being. The results of this research will contribute to optimize feline orchiectomy surgical techniques and to establish standardized protocols that guarantee a more efficient postoperative management.</p> Cristian Andres Montenegro Montenegro, Jorge Luis Ayora Muñoz Copyright (c) 2024 Cristian Andres Montenegro Montenegro, Jorge Luis Ayora Muñoz Wed, 13 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Relationship between resilience and Burnout syndrome. Case study in a foundation in Chordeleg, Ecuador <p style="font-weight: 400;">People working in healthcare institutions face stressful situations on a daily basis due to the demands of their roles, increasing the prevalence of burnout syndrome. However, some of them, even under stressful conditions, do not manifest the syndrome, a response in which resilience plays a role. Therefore, this study aims to determine the relationship between resilience and burnout syndrome among the staff of a foundation dedicated to the care of older adults and people with disabilities. A descriptive, correlational, non-experimental research was conducted, and data were collected through a questionnaire previously evaluated by expert judgment and measured using Cronbach's Alpha. The resilient factors evaluated were autonomy, self-efficacy, and satisfaction. The results showed a moderate negative correlation between satisfaction and burnout syndrome, implying that as satisfaction improves, burnout levels decrease. Thus, working on staff satisfaction contributes to the prevention of burnout syndrome.</p> Karen Lorena Ordoñez Sisalima, Rodolfo Moisés Espinosa-Tigre Copyright (c) 2024 Karen Lorena Ordoñez Sisalima, Rodolfo Moisés Espinosa-Tigre Tue, 03 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Quality of cost accounting systems in manufacturing companies: a systematic review study <p>The problem highlights the lack of consensus on clear standards and the influence of contextual factors. Poor quality in these systems can result in inaccurate reporting, affecting financial and strategic management. For this reason, the objective of the research was based on determining whether the quality of cost accounting systems has an impact on the quality of the information used to make decisions. For the methodology, a qualitative approach was used in the research due to its ability to explore the complexity and depth of this phenomenon. In the context of cost accounting, the experiences, perceptions and practices of key actors, this research presents a systematic review of the current state of research associated with the quality of accounting systems in manufacturing companies. The study sample consisted of 40 articles. The results showed that some industrial companies are gradually adopting cost accounting. For this reason, the management community became aware of the growing global competition between private companies. It is concluded that training employees to operate quality modern cost accounting systems helped increase confidence and reduce errors.</p> Fabiana Darnelly Bautista Daza, Robinson Durley Ramos Dorado, Carmen Isabel Ulloa Méndez, Ketty del Rocío Hurtado García Copyright (c) 2024 Fabiana Darnelly Bautista Daza, Robinson Durley Ramos Dorado, Carmen Isabel Ulloa Méndez, Ketty del Rocío Hurtado García Sun, 19 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Ergonomic risk factors in teachers of the Unidad Educativa Fiscomisional Padre Carlos Crespi of the city of Cuenca <p style="font-weight: 400;">Ergonomic conditions in the teaching profession are a crucial issue, although they often go unnoticed. The health and well-being of teachers are fundamental, as they are responsible for the training of new generations. Educational work faces multiple challenges, so ergonomics should be an integral part of labor rights. A proper working environment not only prevents injuries, but also improves the productivity and quality of life of these professionals. Ignoring these risk factors could lead to health problems, decreased classroom performance, and even legal complications. This study, focused on teachers at the Unidad Educativa Fiscomisional Padre Carlos Crespi in Cuenca, Ecuador, seeks to identify the ergonomic problems present in their work environment. Variables such as age, job position and use of technology will be evaluated to determine their relationship with ergonomic aspects. With this research, it is expected that the findings will be used to address ergonomic risks in a professional manner, thus contributing to establish policies and strategies to improve the quality of teaching work throughout the country.</p> Marco Antonio Pesantez Aviles , José Luis Solano Peláez Copyright (c) 2024 Marco Antonio Pesantez Aviles, José Luis Solano Peláez Tue, 05 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Optimizing the learning experience in natural sciences: Strategic integration of digital education tools <p>The article presents an analysis conducted at the Gabriela Mistral Educational Unit, which addresses the impact of the use of digital tools in the teaching process. The objective of the research is to describe and examine the practices of seventh grade students in the use of digital tools and platforms for teaching Natural Sciences. The research is based on an instrument consisting of a Likert-type digital survey applied to the students of the respective Educational Unit. Methodologically, the Mann-Whitney U analysis and statistical techniques such as measures of central tendency and Pearson’s correlation applied to a sample of 108 students were used. In addition, the results obtained indicate that there is a correlation of 0.92; therefore, a very strong positive relationship is observed, i.e., there is a direct association between the use of digital tools with respect to their application within the process. In conclusion, the evaluation of the use of digital tools, such as Edmodo, in the teaching of Natural Sciences supports the effectiveness and positive acceptance of the integration of educational technology. The high reliability of the instrument used reinforces the consistency of the implementation, indicating a positive impact on students.</p> Jessica Alexandra Garcia Salinas, Margoth Silvana Rivera Pilamunga, Fabiola Beatriz Buñay Gualacio, Jury Marisela Lapo Fernández Copyright (c) 2024 Jessica Alexandra Garcia Salinas, Margoth Silvana Rivera Pilamunga, Fabiola Beatriz Buñay Gualacio, Jury Marisela Lapo Fernández Tue, 18 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Strategies Implemented during COVID-19: a reference for economic agents in times of crisis <p style="font-weight: 400;">The purpose of this research was to explore COVID exit strategies implemented by agents seeking economic reactivation, from the perspective of a basket of successful disruptive strategies. And a milestone to be replicated by economic agents as exit strategies in the face of recessions and crises. The research design involved a literature review of scientific articles indexed in high-impact databases. Determining that akinesia was the central characteristic of economic agents in the face of COVID-19. The confusion generated and the absence of references led the economy to suddenly adopt disruptive exit strategies in a fearful environment. There were fields of knowledge whose exit strategies generated encouraging results, among them Medical Science through the COVID-19 vaccine. In addition to its successful inoculation process attached to innovative strategies underlying a coalition of nations. Certain public policies and management in particular economic activities have also been praiseworthy. The aforementioned as a whole implies a milestone under the figure of a basket of disruptive strategies, susceptible to being replicated to overcome recessions and economic crises.</p> Marcelo Abad Varas Copyright (c) 2024 Marcelo Abad Varas Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Transformation of Higher Education through E-Learning tools in the teaching-learning Process: a bibliometric analysis <p>The article examines the growing integration of educational technologies in the classroom and e-learning, a trend that may transform teaching and learning at the higher education level. The study investigates how these technological tools affect students' academic performance and knowledge assimilation. As schools adopt more digital devices and educational software, it is crucial to understand their real impact. The objective is to provide a critical analysis of the impact of e-learning tools on students in higher education. Using a systematic review methodology, data from 871 articles from the SCOPUS database, published between 2021 and 2024 in the area of education, were analyzed. The results show that educational technology can improve accessibility and personalization of learning, but its effectiveness varies depending on implementation and context. Success depends on factors such as teacher training, available infrastructure, and ongoing support for students and educators. In addition, a gap in access to these technologies is identified in low-resource settings, which can widen inequalities in education. The findings highlight the need for educational policies that facilitate equitable and effective integration of technologies in the classroom. Further research is recommended to explore the specific conditions under which educational technology maximizes its benefits. Finally, the importance of teacher training to ensure that the adoption of new technologies improves educational outcomes is highlighted, and it is recognized that digital transformation in higher education through e-learning has the potential to improve the educational experience for both teachers and students.</p> Martín Gómez Luján, Linda Amarilis Núñez Guale, Jorge Vivanco-Román, Jefferson Ramiro Frías Moyón Copyright (c) 2024 Martín Gómez Luján, Linda Amarilis Núñez Guale, Jorge Vivanco-Román, Jefferson Ramiro Frías Moyón Thu, 27 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Challenges and strategies in the implementation of agile methodologies in IT projects <p style="font-weight: 400;">In an increasingly competitive and dynamic business environment, adopting agile methodologies in IT projects is crucial to ensure efficiency and success in delivering software products and services. This article focuses on analyzing the specific challenges organizations face when implementing these methodologies by conducting detailed interviews with key employees to thoroughly understand these challenges and the strategies used to overcome them. The development of this study is based on qualitative, descriptive, field, and cross-sectional research. The field research adopted in this study relies on interviews as a technique for collecting qualitative data. Initially, the essential background of agile methodologies is explored, emphasizing their iterative and incremental nature, customer-centric approach, and ability to adapt swiftly to changes in project requirements. Then, it delves into the most common challenges that arise during the implementation of these methodologies, such as resistance to organizational change, the need for expertise and knowledge within teams, and managing the inherent uncertainty in agile projects. The critical importance of a strong and flexible organizational culture that fosters agility is highlighted, promoting active collaboration, transparency in communication, and a continuous focus on learning and improvement. Additionally, the necessity of effective training and education for teams is underscored, along with the implementation of agile project management practices and the proper use of modern tools and technologies.</p> Fabiola Jescenia Chacha-Cajamarca, Diego Marcelo Cordero- Guzman, Glenda Maricela Ramón Poma Copyright (c) 2024 Fabiola Jescenia Chacha-Cajamarca, Diego Marcelo Cordero- Guzman, Glenda Maricela Ramón Poma Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The effect of training and development of attitudes towards training and job competence of employees of the Decentralized Autonomous Government of the Latacunga Canton <p style="font-weight: 400;">The study focuses on evaluating the professional training, the development of attitudes towards training and job competence of the GAD employees of the Latacunga canton. A survey was applied to 80 public servants of the institution based on a quantitative approach - correlational type. The results indicated that there is a significant positive association between vocational training and the development of attitudes towards job competence (H1 <span lang="ES-TRAD">?</span>&nbsp;?b= 0.864; p=0.000). Which suggests that, as training and attitude development improves, so does job competence. From the administrative perspective, these results are very relevant for human talent and professional development policy. This approach is strategically prudent to improve the competence and effectiveness of the public service. It was concluded that effective tools, communication and recognition of hierarchical levels are determining factors in the development of attitudes.</p> Kerly Yessenia Herrera Herrera, Luis Ricardo Jacome Guano, Enma Mariely Torres Espin Copyright (c) 2024 Kerly Yessenia Herrera Herrera, Luis Ricardo Jacome Guano, Enma Mariely Torres Espin Tue, 16 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Vulnerability analysis in virtual learning environments. Case Study: Instituto Superior Tecnológico Ismael Pérez Pazmiño <p style="font-weight: 400;">At the Ismael Pérez Pazmiño Higher Technological Institute, a security assessment was conducted on the virtual learning platforms Moodle, Amauta, and Atenea, with the aim of identifying potential vulnerabilities. The methodology included vulnerability scans, penetration testing, configuration reviews, log analysis, interviews with personnel and users, review of previous incidents, and validation with cybersecurity experts. The results revealed the existence of critical vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection, remote code execution, cross-site scripting (XSS) flaws, information leakage, directory traversal, insecure coding practices, weak configurations, and weak password policies, compromising the integrity and privacy of data. To mitigate these risks, it was recommended to apply security patches, strengthen policies and configurations, implement additional controls such as intrusion prevention and detection systems, adopt secure coding practices, improve identity and access management through multi-factor authentication, raise security awareness and training, establish an incident monitoring and response program, comply with relevant regulations and standards, and consider contracting external audit services, addressing these vulnerabilities proactively and comprehensively.</p> Eduardo Rodolfo Tapia Noblecilla, Manuel Salvador Álvarez Vera, Miguel Santiago Andrade López Copyright (c) 2024 Eduardo Rodolfo Tapia Noblecilla, Manuel Salvador Álvarez Vera, Miguel Santiago Andrade López Tue, 17 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Practicum and Digital Skills: Systematic review of the literature <p style="font-weight: 400;">The use of Information and Communication Technologies is increasingly present in the educational field, and in the processes that are worked on in the Practicum, the development of students in terms of digital skills is evident. The objective of this study was to know the trends of the studies related to the practicum and digital skills, as well as to identify the different gaps that can be the basis for new lines of research and knowledge generation. For this, the methodology of Systematic Literature Review was used, where documents from 2018 to 2023 were analyzed. Among the main findings, the following trends were identified: 1) use of technological tools, 2) e-activities, 3) digital and emotional competencies, 4) communities and networks, 5) transition from face-to-face and virtual spaces, 6) innovation processes, and 7) evaluation.</p> María Guadalupe Veytia Bucheli Copyright (c) 2024 María Guadalupe Veytia Bucheli Mon, 09 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The podcast as a didactic resource for the development of comprehension and oral expression in children aged 18 to 36 months <p style="font-weight: 400;">and expression in children aged 18 to 36 months in a child care center in Ecuador. The main objective was to establish the podcast as a didactic resource to improve language skills. For the methodological process, a mixed approach was used, using observation sheets, survey and interviews with professionals as techniques for data collection. Children's story podcasts were implemented and the level of achievement in the language skills of the infants was evaluated. The results showed improvements in the children's intentional communication skills, semantic comprehension, and narrative ability. As a result, it was possible to identify that parents dedicate less than one hour a day to language development activities at home. It is concluded that the use of this audiovisual didactic resource offers an effective alternative to stimulate linguistic development, underlining the importance of integrating innovative technological tools in early education under adequate supervision.</p> Cinthya Alexandra Figueroa Carvajal, Patricia Elizabeth Loor Santos, Johanna Isabel Zambrano Alcívar Copyright (c) 2024 Cinthya Alexandra Figueroa Carvajal, Patricia Elizabeth Loor Santos, Johanna Isabel Zambrano Alcívar Tue, 10 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The desnaturation of the product action of the protection action due abuse by the pettioners <p style="font-weight: 400;">The protection action has been distorted as a constitutional guarantee because it is used to obtain a favorable result in other matters. Therefore, the objective of this research is to analyze the protection action due to the abuse of rights by petitioners, using qualitative and quantitative methods. This involves reviewing the admissibility of the protection action based on the examination of scientific articles with doctrinal criteria and interviews with constitutional judges in procedural practice. This research clearly demonstrates that there is a problem of abuse of the protection action by petitioners, with statistical data showing that 60% of protection actions were inadmissible in the canton of Azogues, province of Cañar, in 2023. This problem can be resolved through a reform of the Organic Law of Jurisdictional Guarantees and Constitutional Control by adding a new section to Article 42 on the inadmissibility of the protection action.</p> Osmar Magno Peñas Moreno, David Sebastián Vázquez Martínez Copyright (c) 2024 Osmar Magno Peñas Moreno, David Sebastián Vázquez Martínez Thu, 14 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Causal psychosocial factors of Burnout syndrome in call center personnel of Ecu 911 in the city of Macas <p style="font-weight: 400;">People who provide remote or telephonic customer service are exposed to a great deal of stress. Burnout syndrome is characterized by a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion, which is strongly related to work. The present work is developed with the purpose of determining the main psychosocial factors that affect the appearance of burnout syndrome and the affectation it has on health, in order to identify and prevent this disease. A descriptive, correlational methodological research was carried out. The data collected through a questionnaire applied to 23 participants, including health personnel and call personnel of the Institute of Integrated Security Service ECU 911 of the city of Macas, which obtained the following results 52.2% of workers surveyed have a medium level of emotional fatigue, 69.6% have a medium level of work overload, while 60.9% have a low level of depersonalization, factors that can be related to the appearance of burnout syndrome, identifying that the main cause of the appearance of burnout syndrome is work overload.</p> Edder Ismael Orna Brito, José Luis Solano Peláez Copyright (c) 2024 Edder Ismael Orna Brito, José Luis Solano Peláez Wed, 04 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Effective leadership and job satisfaction in staff turnover levels in MSMEs in the Latacunga cantón <p>This analysis investigates the high rate of employee turnover in micro, small and medium-sized companies (MSMEs) in the Latacunga area, associated with the insufficiency of effective leadership and job dissatisfaction. The main purpose is to examine how effective leadership and well-being at work affect the frequency with which staff decide to change jobs, using a quantitative method, a non-experimental correlational design and partial least squares analysis techniques. The research was carried out with a sample of 239 MSMEs, selected through a random sampling process. The findings indicate that although effective leadership is not robustly directly correlated with the decision to change jobs, it has a significant impact on job satisfaction. In turn, a higher degree of job satisfaction is associated with a lower propensity to leave the current job. The conclusion highlights the importance of promoting leadership that not only motivates, but also meets and improves the work expectations of the staff, which will increase their loyalty and permanence in the company. The importance of adopting an integrated perspective in human resources management is highlighted, which combines effective leadership policies with tactics aimed at increasing job satisfaction.</p> Dayana Monserrath Punina Salazar, Carmen Amelia Casa Chicaiza, Ana Lucia Quispe Otacoma Copyright (c) 2024 Dayana Monserrath Punina Salazar, Carmen Amelia Casa Chicaiza, Ana Lucia Quispe Otacoma Mon, 20 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Factors affecting the development of burnout syndrome in teachers at an Educational Unit in the City of Quito <p style="font-weight: 400;">The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment in teacher burnout at an educational institution. Using a quantitative design, the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) questionnaire was administered to a sample of 85 teachers. The results showed that emotional exhaustion was the main predictor of burnout, with a significant correlation of 0.832 (p &lt; 0.001), followed by depersonalization with a correlation of 0.571 (p &lt; 0.001). However, no significant correlation was observed between personal accomplishment and burnout (-0.055, p = 0.617). These findings highlight the need to implement strategies aimed at reducing emotional exhaustion and promoting greater personal accomplishment among teachers. It is concluded that educational institutions must prioritize interventions that address teachers' emotional well-being to prevent burnout and improve the educational environment.</p> Nicole Alejandra Otero Trujillo, José Luis Solano Peláez Copyright (c) 2024 Nicole Alejandra Otero Trujillo, José Luis Solano Peláez Tue, 03 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Integrating Artificial Intelligence in higher education: a bibliometric analysis of recent literature <p>In the current educational landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) emerges as a tool with great potential to revolutionize learning, especially in higher education. Problematic issues related to AI in higher education are addressed, such as ethical risks, biases affecting equity, and the shift from the role of the teacher to that of a facilitator raises concerns about preserving the quality of teaching and human connection. In the present study, a bibliometric analysis was conducted with the aim of examining the integration of AI in education, identifying various applications and emerging perspectives. The methodology used for the research consisted of a SCOPUS search of scientific articles, from which 3339 research as review articles were obtained from the years 2022 to 2024. Among the key benefits are the ability to personalize learning and the implementation of automated assessment systems, which can increase efficiency and accuracy in educational processes. At the same time, the study emphasizes the need to address both technical and ethical challenges to ensure the responsible and effective use of AI. The documentary analysis identified the importance of a comprehensive strategy to maximize the transformative potential of artificial intelligence in educational settings, suggesting directions for future research and practical applications.</p> Jennyfer Andrea Piarpuezán Calderón, Nora Patricia Acosta Apolo, Juan Diego Rojas Escandón, Martín Gómez Luján Copyright (c) 2024 Jennyfer Andrea Piarpuezán Calderón, Nora Patricia Acosta Apolo, Juan Diego Rojas Escandón, Martín Gómez Luján Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Enhancing Scientific Initiation and Innovation through Formative Research Projects in University Physics Courses <p>To address the current challenges in educational quality and sustainable development, higher education institutions have the opportunity to implement pedagogical and didactic strategies that approach sustainability from a local perspective, encouraging meaningful engagement from students. In this context, this paper proposes a specific classroom strategy for physics courses, focusing on the development of basic research skills to address a renewable energy issue (SDG 7: affordable and clean energy). The research approach was qualitative, using action research to understand how students developed their skills and the attitudes they demonstrated throughout the experience. In this strategy, students designed and built functional prototypes to solve renewable energy problems; through this process, they showed the knowledge gained, applied it (know-how), and reflected on social and environmental issues, strengthening their awareness. The proposed pedagogical approach enhances research skills and presents a transformative approach to teaching physics by using active methodologies that bridge theory and practice, while also promoting social and environmental responsibility.</p> Diana Shirley Velásquez Roja, Hernando Evelio Leyton Vasquez, Jhon Alexander Peñafiel Castro, Jairo Sánchez Luquerna Copyright (c) 2024 Diana Shirley Velásquez Roja, Hernando Evelio Leyton Vasquez, Jhon Alexander Peñafiel Castro, Jairo Sánchez Luquerna Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Characterization of digital tools and reading comprehension of middle school students in Ecuador <p style="font-weight: 400;">The research aims to analyze the characteristics of digital tools on enhancing reading comprehension among students in Basic Education in Ecuador. The study highlights that reading comprehension is essential for student’s academic and cognitive development. However, challenges such as poor reading habits, significant disparities between urban and rural institutions, and the limited use of innovative methods have contributed to the country’s low reading levels, which are among the most concerning in the region. The research methodology was based on a literature review, supported by the analysis of articles published in various indexed journals; focusing on topics such as reading comprehension, digital tools, reading challenges and standards, gamification in relation to reading comprehension. The findings suggest that while digital tools show great potential to dynamically promote reading, their success relies on the integration of ICT as teaching material in the educational setting, as this could be an effective way to overcome current barriers in the reading instruction and comprehension.</p> Blanca Fanny Lugmaña Achig, Iván Guillermo Argotty Córdova, Alexandra Salinas-Palma Copyright (c) 2024 Blanca Fanny Lugmaña Achig, Iván Guillermo Argotty Córdova, Alexandra Salinas-Palma Thu, 21 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Influence of 'WEBTOON' as a Digital Reading Aid for High School EFL Students <p>After the pandemic, classrooms experienced a noticeable decline in learning outcomes, coinciding with the emergence of a more tech-savvy cohort of learners and educators. This shift prompted a quest for digital solutions to enhance student engagement, with Webtoon emerging as a prominent option. Particularly popular among Generation Z, Webtoon's straightforward yet entertaining interface, diverse themes, and captivating artwork entice users to delve into its panels during leisure time. In the following qualitative study, the perspectives of high school students from UEPSMA (Unidad Educativa Particular Salesianas María Auxiliadora) in Cuenca were examined. Through three cycles of action research employing qualitative methods, participants underwent three spontaneous quizzes and concluded with a final survey via Google Forms. Findings indicated that students found Webtoon's visuals and language usage gratifying, attributing their continued engagement to compelling storylines and vivid illustrations. Additionally, their responses underscored a sense of satisfaction with integrating a digital reading tool into the classroom, which notably bolstered their motivation for English reading.</p> Monica Daniela Guartazaca Tacuri, Angel Eduardo Carrión Espinosa Copyright (c) 2024 Monica Daniela Guartazaca Tacuri, Angel Eduardo Carrión Espinosa Wed, 03 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The effect of voice recording as a tool to improve speaking skills <p>This research studies the effects of voice recording technology as an educational tool to enhance speaking skills with a group of 15 students of the first bachelorette at a public high school in Paute, Ecuador. The methodology applied a mixed-methods approach in which a pre and post-test were applied to gather quantitative data and a questionnaire with eight open-ended questions to collect qualitative data and analyze participants’ perceptions. During the intervention between the tests, students had to follow some steps to complete voice recording activities. Learners planned the speaking part, practiced the main components like fluency, pronunciation and intonation, vocabulary and grammar, and content and organization, then recorded the audio, and finally uploaded it to the WhatsApp group. Learners received guidance, feedback, and personalized instruction based on their recorded performances. Moreover, after the study, students perceived the voice recording activities as a significant benefit and considered this tool as an opportunity to improve their speaking skills. making the learning process more meaningful. Results revealed that voice recording provides a practical and effective tool for the development and continuous improvement of communication skills.</p> Nelly Beatriz Idrovo Maldonado, Tammy Fajardo Dack Copyright (c) 2024 Nelly Beatriz Idrovo Maldonado, Tammy Fajardo Dack Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Unilateral obstruction of the ureterovesical duct of the left kidney: case report <p style="font-weight: 400;">Hydronephrosis is the expansion of the collecting system of the kidney, which includes the pelvis and renal calyces, caused by increased pressure in that area, resulting in morphological and functional alterations. Canine patient of the Cocker breed, 7 years old, who corresponds to the name of Mara, who was treated at the Pet Service Samanes Veterinary clinic in the city of Guayaquil 2023, the reason for consultation is because she has abdominal pain, urinary incontinence, loss of appetite and apathy. On physical examination, she presented body condition 5/3, HR 110 bpm, RR 30 bpm, body temperature 39 ° C, TLLC 2 seconds, pink mucous membranes, blood pressure 120 – 90 mmHg. Complementary examinations are performed, the ultrasound shows alterations in the duct that connects the left kidney with the bladder, caused by an obstruction of one of the ureters resulting in hydronephrosis of the left kidney, a nephroureterectomy was performed. Report a clinical case of Hydronephrosis of the canine left kidney in the city of Guayaquil, Guayas Province.</p> Luis Carlos Vivas Pincay, Mentor Guillermo Taboada Pico Copyright (c) 2024 Luis Carlos Vivas Pincay, Mentor Guillermo Taboada Pico Tue, 12 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000