Runas. Journal of Education and Culture <p><strong>RUNAS. Journal of Education and Culture</strong>, ISSN 2737-6230, is a refereed academic journal that publishes 2 issues per year (January-July and August-December). Founded in 2020, it seeks to publish articles related to education and culture around the world, in terms of reality verification, since these fields are interrelated as key elements of the development of peoples. We welcome contributions from researchers, academics, and young students with a critical, contextual vision that contributes to the dissemination of the reality of the fields described, mainly in peripheral countries, and their reflection on the alternatives/possibility of liberation.</p> <p>*<em><strong>"RUNAS</strong>"</em> is a word that comes from the Kichwa language of the indigenous peoples of Ecuador, used to refer to human beings.</p> en-US (Hernán Díaz R.) (Administrador) Mon, 11 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Analysis of conditional suspension of sentences as a tool for preventing recidivism in crime <p>This study examines the role of probation as a strategy to prevent recidivism. Probation is a legal instrument utilized in many legal systems to allow certain offenders to serve their sentence outside of prison, provided they meet specific conditions set by the judge. Through a thorough review of academic literature and relevant empirical data, the effects of probation on reducing recidivism are examined, and the factors contributing to its effectiveness are evaluated. The findings indicate that probation can be an effective tool for preventing recidivism in certain contexts. Individuals who receive probation are observed to have lower rates of recidivism compared to those serving conventional prison sentences. Additionally, several factors that may influence the effectiveness of probation are identified, including the quality of supervision, the adequacy of imposed conditions, and access to rehabilitation programs and social support. The importance of designing probation programs backed by empirical evidence and focusing on skills development, rehabilitation, and social reintegration of offenders is highlighted. It is concluded that, if implemented properly and with sufficient resources, probation can play a significant role in preventing recidivism and promoting public safety.</p> David Francisco Rueda Echeverría, Fernando Esteban Ochoa Rodríguez Copyright (c) 2023 David Francisco Rueda Echeverría, Fernando Esteban Ochoa Rodríguez Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Perception of Public Administration students on the use and implementation of innovative teaching methodologies in teaching <p>The purpose of this research is to analyze the problem of the scarce use of innovative teaching strategies by teachers in the teaching of financial accounting. The methodology used in this study was under the quantitative approach. For the research, the population of 96 students of the Public Administration career of the Quevedo State Technical University was considered; using the survey tool, the level of ignorance of the topic regarding innovative teaching strategies and the benefits it can bring to education was determined; the surveys were validated with Cronbach’s Alpha; at the same time, it was determined that the teaching staff of the accounting area in a large percentage do not use any type of innovative teaching strategies in their classes</p> Ximena Minshely Guillin Llanos, Cesar Geovanny Ortiz Mosquera, Arturo Patricio Mosquera Arevalo, Adolfo Hernán Elizondo Saltos Copyright (c) 2023 Ximena Minshely Guillin Llanos, Cesar Geovanny Ortiz Mosquera, Arturo Patricio Mosquera Arevalo, Adolfo Hernán Elizondo Saltos Fri, 15 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pre-commercial, feasibility of Amazonian vanilla and cinnamon derivatives: Macas - Ecuador <p style="font-weight: 400;">This study investigates the pre-commercial feasibility of Amazonian vanilla and cinnamon derivatives in Macas, Ecuador, with the objective of determining their viability in the local market. The methodology is quantitative, non-experimental, and cross-sectional, based on structured surveys of a probabilistic sample of 318 economically active individuals from the urban parish of Macas. The results show a significant potential market, with an acceptance rate of 93 % for Amazonian cinnamon and 85.6 % for vanilla. The projected annual demand is 7562 units for cinnamon essence and 7509 units for vanilla essence, with an annual growth rate of 7.43 % for essential oils. The conclusions indicate a high probability of commercial success for both products, highlighting the importance of implementing marketing strategies that promote the diversity and combination of flavors to maximize consumer satisfaction. Price differentiation and adaptation to the preferences of the target market are key factors for customer acquisition and retention. Local companies have a competitive advantage by offering high-quality products at affordable prices. This study provides a solid foundation for strategic decision-making and the development of business plans, driving economic growth and job creation in the region. Furthermore, it is suggested that the combination of cinnamon and vanilla essences could enhance market synergies, leveraging the complementarity of these products in various industrial and consumer applications. By focusing on these strategies, businesses can better position themselves in the market, catering to the growing demand for these essential oil derivatives and ensuring long-term sustainability and profitability.</p> Miguel Florencio Rodríguez- Sánchez, Edwin Joselito Vasquez- Erazo, Juan Bautista Solís-Muñoz Copyright (c) 2023 Miguel Florencio Rodríguez- Sánchez, Edwin Joselito Vasquez- Erazo, Juan Bautista Solís-Muñoz Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Financial inclusion through mobile banking: perception and attitudes of cooperative members <div> <p><span lang="EN-US">The central problem of the study focused on the limited use of the mobile application of the Savings and Credit Cooperative Chibuleo Ltda., is the little advertising on social networks of the benefits offered by the cooperative sector, the lack of knowledge of the existence of mobile banking, consequently, the limited use of the application. For this reason, the objective of the study is to propose the use of the mobile application through the TAM methodology to promote the financial inclusion of the Coop. Chibuleo agency Tena. A quantitative approach was applied with a correlational design through a survey to carry out the descriptive analysis and exploratory factorial statistical analysis. As a result, the factors had a correlation of 90% and the perception of two main components was identified, the behavioral intention and the perceived ease of use in 79%. However, there are components such as social influence, computer self-sufficiency, security, trust and financial costs that were not perceived, where there are shortcomings that consider that the Chibuleo application does not have sufficient protections when they use and carry out their banking operations, they do not feel comfortable and safe with the application.</span></p> </div> Katherine Fernanda Segovia Borja Copyright (c) 2023 Katherine Fernanda Segovia Borja Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Impact of Short Videos in the Listening Skills of Young Adults with A1 Level from UCACUE <p>The use of short educational videos as a tool to enhance listening skills in adult learners has gained significant attention in recent years. This study aims to explore the effects of incorporating short everyday English videos into listening activities in university students from UCACUE, La Troncal extension. The research incorporates a comprehensive literature review to identify the theoretical foundations and justifications for using short videos in adult language education. The participants for this study are fifty undergraduate students from the Language Center at UCACUE, with a beginner English level (A1 course) divided into control and experimental. For gathering data, groups are evaluated through questionnaires and pre and post-tests, to obtain quantitative data. Similarly, to attain qualitative data, a survey is introduced to them for analyzing students’ perceptions regarding the implementation of Short Videos in Listening activities. The results of the study revealed a notable enhancement in listening performance, students’ motivation, and engagement for participants who were exposed to video materials compared to those who used traditional audio resources. Participants viewing videos scored higher in post-tests, signifying better comprehension. Consequently, the study concluded that integrating videos effectively enhances listening skills, marking multimedia as a potent tool for educational advancement.</p> Fresia Rojas, Martha Magdalena Guamán Luna Copyright (c) 2023 Fresia Rojas, Martha Magdalena Guamán Luna Fri, 08 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Aftermath of COVID-19 in the cooperative sector: an approach to its financial efficiency <p>The study analyzed the financial efficiency of savings and credit cooperatives in segment 1 in Ecuador between 2017 and 2021. A quantitative approach was used, where the study participants were 40 financial cooperatives in segment 1. Metrics such as the profit margin were examined. intermediation of the average equity and the average asset, in addition to the delinquency of the microcredit portfolio and the total delinquency. A decrease in financial efficiency and an increase in delinquencies were observed in 2021, likely due to inefficient implementation of collection strategies. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, cooperatives adapted their credit strategies, maintaining controlled levels of delinquencies by demonstrating resilience and adaptability. The study highlights the importance of effective financial management and contingency strategies intimes of crisis.</p> Rodrigo Arturo Reyes Armas, Rosa Marjorie Torres Briones, Mayra Elizabeth García Bravo, Ketty del Rocío Hurtado García Copyright (c) 2023 Rodrigo Arturo Reyes Armas, Rosa Marjorie Torres Briones, Mayra Elizabeth García Bravo, Ketty del Rocío Hurtado García Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Influence of Financial Cooperatives on the Well-being of Older Adults in Ambato: A Social Responsibility Approach <p style="font-weight: 400;">The research problem focuses on the financial exclusion of older adults in Ambato, which impacts their well-being. The study aims to evaluate how financial cooperatives' social responsibility programs can improve the quality of life of this demographic group. A quantitative methodology was applied, which involved 367 older adults who maintain financial activities with the savings and credit cooperatives of segment 1 of the city of Ambato, in order to evaluate the effects of management practices. The findings highlight a strong elevation between the perception of the effectiveness of social programs and the economic status of the respondents. The study concludes that, although cooperatives are valued for their benefits, there is a public disconnection regarding their social activities. Better communication and transparency in social responsibility practices is recommended.</p> Pedro Enrique Díaz Córdova, Juan Carlos Alarcón Gavilanes, Fernando Javier Chico-Brito, Carlos Santiago Masaquiza Caiza Copyright (c) 2023 Pedro Enrique Díaz Córdova, Juan Carlos Alarcón Gavilanes, Fernando Javier Chico-Brito, Carlos Santiago Masaquiza Caiza Fri, 23 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Deficiency in the Mechanisms for the Implementation of the Comprehensive Reparation of the Victim in Theft Crimes <p>Ecuador faces an alarming increase in theft cases, with 31,485 incidents recorded in 2022, marking a significant increase over the previous year. Despite the abundant literature on comprehensive reparations in criminal contexts, the specific focus on robbery remains underexplored. This research seeks to identify the impact of robbery on victims in Ecuador and to examine the lack of normative description of comprehensive reparation mechanisms. A descriptive methodology with a theoretical, qualitative and bibliographic design was employed. The analysis revealed that most victims of robbery do not receive comprehensive reparation due to the lack of adequate mechanisms for its execution, leaving them in a situation of helplessness and vulnerability. There is an urgent need to develop effective mechanisms to guarantee comprehensive reparation for victims of robbery in Ecuador and to improve the protection and support provided, thus ensuring justice and equity in the country’s criminal justice system.</p> Guadalupe Ayala Armijos, Luis Manuel Flores Idrovo Copyright (c) 2023 Guadalupe Ayala Armijos, Luis Manuel Carpio Flores Tue, 02 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Effects of the microcredit granted by the financial cooperative sector and its impact on the social development of the member of the La Maná canton <p>The problem lies in the lack of clarity about how microcredit provided by the financial cooperative sector and how it influences the social development of members. Although dimensions such as accessibility, social cohesion and survival are identified, the specific understanding of how this affect social development is ambiguous. Given the above, the objective of the research work is to analyze the impact of microcredit on the social development of the partners of the entrepreneurs in the canton of La Maná. The research focuses on a quantitative method, since it seeks to describe, explain, verify and predict causal phenomena, in order to generate and test theories. Therefore, data is collected with standardized and validated instruments. As a study sample, 200 enterprises belonging to the La Maná Canton were taken into account, this is because this sector is the one that requests these microcredits to develop their businesses. The results obtained were carried out through the Spss statistical software, which resolved a factor analysis, which yielded results of the KMO and Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity, total explained variance and components in rotated space. Finally, it was concluded that the dimension accessibility, social cohesion, survival, and growth are different and relevant components that together added up to a cumulative percentage of 77%.</p> Genesis Yamilex Chusin Ayala, Angelica Irene Chacha Calderón, Pedro Enrique Díaz Córdova, Lucía Margoth Moreno Tapia Copyright (c) 2023 Genesis Yamilex Chusin Ayala, Angelica Irene Chacha Calderón, Pedro Enrique Díaz Córdova, Lucía Margoth Moreno Tapia Fri, 03 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Determining Factors of Lack of Interest in Citizen Participation in Decision-Making in the Canton of Puyango <p>Citizen participation in municipal decision-making is essential to strengthen governance and democracy. In the canton of Puyango, we investigate the reasons that lead to the population’s disinterest in participating in these processes. The study, which uses a mixed methodology combining quantitative and qualitative approaches, is based on a representative sample of 371 inhabitants of the canton. The results obtained show a level of citizen disinterest of 55%, where economic (63%), political (54%) and social (52%) factors stand out as the most influential. Within these, sub-factors such as lack of resources, limited mobility, distrust in local government and lack of knowledge of participation mechanisms are identified. This study provides valuable information to understand the challenges and opportunities related to citizen participation in the canton of Puyango. It highlights the need to implement measures to overcome the identified barriers and promote more active and meaningful participation. These actions are fundamental to strengthening local governance and fostering inclusive and equitable development in the canton, as well as serving as an example for other municipalities.</p> Marlon Ignacio Ludeña Jaramillo, Gina Patricia Cuadrado Sánchez, Yonimiler Castillo Ortega Copyright (c) 2023 Marlon Ignacio Ludeña Jaramillo, Gina Patricia Cuadrado Sánchez, Yonimiler Castillo Ortega Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Implementation of educational technologies in the classroom and their impact on university students' learning: a bibliometric analysis <p style="font-weight: 400;">This theoretical review article focuses on examining the influence of Information Technology (IT) on the teaching-learning process of university students. The main objective is to identify both the inherent challenges and emerging opportunities resulting from the integration of IT in higher education. To this end, a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of the relevant academic literature was carried out, employing rigorous inclusion and exclusion criteria to select studies specifically related to the topic. The main findings reveal a marked acceleration in IT adoption in the university environment, with challenges such as the digital divide and the need to adapt to online learning, but also significant opportunities such as expanded access to education and innovation in teaching methods. In conclusion, it underscores the critical importance of effectively integrating IT into university teaching processes, addressing existing gaps in technological access and competence, with the goal of improving educational quality and equity in the digital era.</p> María Elizabeth Lucas Macías, Héctor Mauricio Revelo Herrera, Eber Jardiel Pérez Zúñiga, Julio Alonso Iglesias Copyright (c) 2023 María Elizabeth Lucas Macías, Héctor Mauricio Revelo Herrera, Eber Jardiel Pérez Zúñiga, Julio Alonso Iglesias Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Commercial viability study of a Greek Yogurt store in Cuenca, Ecuador <p style="font-weight: 400;">The present research focuses on analyzing the commercial viability of a Greek Yogurt establishment in Cuenca, Ecuador, evaluating the economic feasibility and marketing of this product in a competitive market. In a context where the search for healthy and nutritious food options has gained relevance. The main objective is to determine whether the opening and operation of a specialized Greek Yogurt establishment in Cuenca is commercially viable. To address this question, a methodology is employed that combines the observation of concrete data, the development of general theories, and the application of deductions to formulate specific predictions. The use of questionnaires as an instrument to gather quantitative data on the product demand and consumer preferences in the Cuenca region is highlighted. The target population includes both current and potential customers of Greek Yogurt in the geographic area of interest. The results obtained allow identifying consumer preferences, highlighting the importance of offering products that meet these specific demands. The need for comprehensive strategic planning is emphasized, including product differentiation, understanding the local market, setting competitive prices, and designing effective marketing strategies to attract and retain potential customers. In conclusion, the study highlights the importance of commercial viability in a competitive environment such as Cuenca, Ecuador, and the need for efficient management and detailed planning to ensure the long-term success of the Greek Yogurt business.</p> Diego Gustavo Vélez-Serrano, Mario Enrique Tapia- Tapia, Glenda Maricela Ramon Poma Copyright (c) 2023 Diego Gustavo Vélez-Serrano, Mario Enrique Tapia- Tapia, Glenda Maricela Ramon Poma Sat, 15 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Self-Directed Learning in Adult Second Language Acquisition <p style="font-weight: 400;">The pervasive challenge in adult education is achieving effective second language acquisition through self-directed learning (SDL). As globalization intensifies, the demand for bilingual proficiency emerges, yet traditional educational structures often fall short in fostering necessary language skills among adults. This investigation aims to dissect the efficacy of SDL in adult second language learners, focusing on the specific factors that influence successful outcomes. Our methodology embraced a qualitative approach, concentrating on an exhaustive bibliographic review to uncover nuances in SDL practices and outcomes. This included the analysis of 49 scientific articles sourced from recognized academic databases, ensuring a robust foundation for our insights. Results from the study indicated that intrinsic motivation, access to technology, and effective use of strategic learning practices are paramount in enhancing language proficiency through SDL. However, barriers such as inadequate digital literacy and economic disparities significantly impact learning outcomes. In conclusion, while SDL presents a viable pathway for adult language acquisition, its success is heavily dependent on overcoming technological and motivational hurdles. Tailored educational strategies and support systems are essential to maximize the benefits of SDL.</p> Gustavo Abel Robles Arboleda, Mariela Patricia Gallardo Rodríguez, Jenny Isabel Vega Iza Copyright (c) 2023 Gustavo Abel Robles Arboleda, Mariela Patricia Gallardo Rodríguez, Jenny Isabel Vega Iza Thu, 27 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Remittances and economic impact in Ecuador’s Zone 7, period 2010-2021 <p>This article presents a study of migration trends and the economic impact of remittances in Ecuador’s Zone 7. A documentary and descriptive research methodology was used to collect and analyze data from various written sources, and trends were visually represented through tables and line graphs. The results show that migration and remittances have had a significant impact on the local and national economy, and the implications of these findings for public policy and society in general are discussed.</p> Jorge Guido Sotomayor-Pereira, Bernard César Macías Sares, Nathaly Alexandra Belduma, Víctor Manuel Jadán Sánchez Copyright (c) 2023 Jorge Guido Sotomayor-Pereira, Bernard César Macías Sares, Nathaly Alexandra Belduma, Víctor Manuel Jadán Sánchez Mon, 15 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Assessment of the ecotourism potential in protected natural areas, case: Sumaco National Park – Napo – Galeras, province of Napo <p style="font-weight: 400;">The province of Napo stands out as a popular tourist area due to its favorable climate, breathtaking scenery and varied service offerings. The growing development of sustainable tourism initiatives has raised the need to evaluate the potential of its natural areas for tourism. In this context, the present study focuses on evaluating the ecotourism potential of the Sumaco-Napo-Galeras National Park. The purpose of this study is to critically analyze the situation of the Ecuadorian prison system, identifying the deficiencies in the rehabilitation and social reinsertion programs offered to PPL. It seeks to determine whether the State is the main responsible for the prison crisis through the analysis of various bibliographic sources and the evaluation of its compliance with its legal and humanitarian obligations towards this vulnerable group. The methodology used consisted of weighting six evaluation variables proposed by Acosta (2008), using a focus group. Subsequently, a cluster analysis was conducted to identify the groups or profiles of visitors to the Sumaco-Napo-Galeras National Park. This approach allowed for a comprehensive evaluation of the ecotourism potential of the area. The results indicate that Sumaco-Napo-Galeras National Park has a high potential for ecotourism development. The natural landscapes offer optimal conditions for ecotourism, while the rich biodiversity of flora and fauna favors adventure tourism activities and promotes local cultural identity. However, some key challenges were identified, such as lack of access for vulnerable groups, low environmental awareness, scarce economic resources, and the need for greater cooperation among stakeholders involved in the park's tourism management. Sumaco-Napo-Galeras National Park has significant potential for ecotourism development. However, in order to take full advantage of this potential, it is essential to address the challenges identified and work together with all stakeholders involved in tourism management to ensure sustainable and equitable development in the region.</p> Byron Fernando Mejía Barreiros, Jennifer Nathaly Marcillo Chasy, Yonimiler Castillo Ortega Copyright (c) 2023 Byron Fernando Mejía Barreiros, Jennifer Nathaly Marcillo Chasy, Yonimiler Castillo Ortega Thu, 14 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Exploring the impact of indebtedness on the financial profitability of the automotive sector: a statistical analysis and prediction of bankruptcy <p>The purpose of this research was to establish the relationship between indebtedness and financial profitability within the automotive sector in Tungurahua during the period between 2015 and 2020. To carry out this analysis, secondary sources from the database of the Superintendence of Companies, Securities and Insurance were used. The methodology used was based on two approaches: Altman’s Z correlation and Pearson’s correlation, which were used to evaluate the association between both variables. One of the most relevant findings of this study was the marked reduction in the level of indebtedness throughout the period investigated. At the same time, a decrease in financial profitability was observed, a phenomenon mainly attributed to the external challenges that affected the country during that period. In addition to analyzing general trends, the study examined the average indicators of profitability and indebtedness. As a result, a positive correlation was identified in the years 2016 and 2020. This finding suggests that companies in the sector managed to maintain their financial performance thanks to financing obtained from both suppliers and financial institutions.</p> Edisson Marcelo Guangasi Gómez, Edison Roberto Valencia Nuñez, Santiago David Montoya Puglla, Mario Orlando Suárez Ibujés Copyright (c) 2023 Edisson Marcelo Guangasi Gómez, Edison Roberto Valencia Nuñez, Santiago David Montoya Puglla, Mario Orlando Suárez Ibujés Sun, 05 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Financial Resilience in Times of Crisis of the Ecuadorian textile sector: a study of liquidity and profitability between the years 2016-2022 <p>The textile industry in Ecuador is a vital component of the country’s economy. Therefore, it has gone through various challenges over the years. Given the above, the objective of the research is to define the levels of correlation between financial management and the determining factors of liquidity and profitability of large companies in the textile sector in Ecuador from 2016 to 2022. To carry out the activity, will take the financial statements of the same organizations to evaluate financial management. For the methodology, a quantitative approach will be used since it allows an objective and numerical evaluation of financial variables such as liquidity and profitability, which are quantifiable and susceptible to statistical analysis. This descriptive approach will be used, as it allows the collection, analysis and representation of data that reflects the current conditions of liquidity and profitability in the textile sector, offering a clear image; The study sample consisted of 16 large companies in the Ecuadorian textile industry. To process the information, the Microsoft Excel tool will be used to manipulate numerical and text databases, which allow the information to be analyzed, generate reports, tabulate, among other things. The results proved to be very favorable, since effective debt management was observed, which is reflected in the standard deviation of the profitability ratios: 8% for ROE (return on equity) and 2% for ROA (return on equity). on assets).</p> Carla Solange Villalba Suárez, Diana Jacqueline Verdezoto Jácome, Brenda Elizabeth Oña Sinchiguano, Rodrigo Arturo Reyes Armas Copyright (c) 2023 Carla Solange Villalba Suárez, Diana Jacqueline Verdezoto Jácome, Brenda Elizabeth Oña Sinchiguano, Rodrigo Arturo Reyes Armas Sat, 04 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Literature Review about the Intrinsic motivation in Young English as a Foreign Language LearnersLiterature Review about the Intrinsic motivation in Young English as a Foreign Language Learners <p>This literature review focuses on the influence of intrinsic motivation on learning, particularly among English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students. The goal is to provide theoretical support for future research and expand knowledge about the significance of intrinsic motivation and the strategies teachers can use to develop it to facilitate classroom work and promote student-centered education. The need for this study arises from the lack of motivation observed in young English learners who perceive the language as complex and not applicable in authentic contexts. This qualitative and descriptive study advanced by selecting relevant information, analyzing it, and presenting findings. The result showed that intrinsic motivation makes students enjoy the learning process, look for their strategies, and solve problems when facing challenges since the desire comes from their inner interest and their own goals. Most authors state that activities that promote automaticity help foster intrinsic motivation arising from self-esteem, self-control, and self-regulation. The specific activities proposed to get students’ self-commitment emphasize gamification, research-based projects, project-based learning, and flipped learning, mainly when focusing on social topics, facilitating students’ interaction with the target language and instilling confidence in their abilities.</p> Carla Elizabeth Sánchez Franco, María Isabel Pérez Ortega Copyright (c) 2023 Carla Elizabeth Sánchez Franco, María Isabel Pérez Ortega Sat, 01 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Customer service in Facebook’s Marketplace by entrepreneurs in the city of Cuenca <p>In response to the growing importance of Facebook as an e-commerce platform during the COVID-19 pandemic, where a significant percentage of unemployed young Ecuadorians found in the Marketplace an opportunity for entrepreneurship, this study set out to evaluate the quality of customer service offered by entrepreneurs in the city of Cuenca. Using a methodology based on the analysis of 384 publications and a random sampling technique with a 95% margin of error and a 5% confidence level, the speed of responses and the use of automated responses were explored. The results indicated that most entrepreneurs respond quickly within 24 hours, however, only a small percentage were rated as having excellent service, which points to an opportunity to improve personalization and quality of service. The overall conclusion of the study underscores that, despite efficiency in communication, it is essential to develop a more personalized interaction to strengthen customer trust and satisfaction in the dynamic digital commerce environment.</p> Juan Pablo Parra Silva Copyright (c) 2023 Juan Pablo Parra Silva Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Body image satisfaction and its relationship with anxiety in adolescents <p>Body image is the perception that a person has of their own body, which can be either positive or negative. A negative perception can result in physical and emotional discomfort. The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between the level of body image satisfaction and anxiety in adolescents since this stage led to several physical and emotional changes. The Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) was used to evaluate the level of body image dissatisfaction and Beck’s Anxiety Inventory (BAI) was used to calculate anxiety. This study was managed under a quantitative approach of non-experimental design with a descriptive-correlational scope with a cross-sectional section. Based on the results, it was concluded that there is a mild positive correlation, which indicates that the greater the dissatisfaction of the body image, the greater the likelihood of experiencing anxiety symptoms. Likewise, there is low dissatisfaction with body image and high levels of severe anxiety and statistically significant differences according to sex.</p> Katheryn Andrea Campos Paredes, Verónica Fernanda Flores Hernández Copyright (c) 2023 Katheryn Andrea Campos Paredes, Verónica Fernanda Flores Hernández Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Use of PowToon to develop pedagogical skills <p>Virtual Learning Environments are technological resources that are having greater development within the educational process, allowing the professional profile and performance of teachers to be strengthened and at the same time improving the academic and pedagogical relationship of the students. It is necessary to implement this type of tools that can develop skills in line with the trend of the new digital era, which is why the following question arises: How can teachers at the San Mateo Educational Unit develop pedagogical skills? This research proposes to apply a proposal based on the use of interactive presentations designed in PowToon to develop pedagogical skills. The methodology of this study is located in a pragmatic approach of a mixed, experimental type, applying qualitative and quantitative research with a deductive and inductive method; The research sample is made up of twelve teachers from the Institution’s morning session; As a data collection technique, the survey was applied in which the results showed that teaching staff need to be trained so that classes are taught with greater emphasis using interactive resources, fully capturing the attention of the students; This research allows the development of pedagogical skills to improve the teaching-learning process in the San Mateo from Manta Fiscal Educational Unit.</p> Lester Eliana Párraga Intriago, Leonardo Javier Chancay García, Dannyll Michellc Zambrano Zambrano Copyright (c) 2023 Lester Eliana Párraga Intriago, Leonardo Javier Chancay García, Dannyll Michellc Zambrano Zambrano Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Gender Influence on the Wage Gap: Study of the Latacunga Market in the Periods 2010-2020 <p>The proposed article examines how the gender pay gap has impacted the labor market in Latacunga, Ecuador between 2010 and 2020. Deductive and historical methods were used to analyze statistical data from the National Survey of Employment, Unemployment, and Underemployment (ENEMDU). The Oaxaca Blinder model was employed for data analysis. The study focuses on the impact of gender discrimination on wages and how factors like education and the number of children influence this gap. The findings indicate a persistent wage discrimination against women, suggesting that as men become more active in the labor market, their earnings increase compared to women. This study contributes to understanding gender dynamics in the labor market and proposes further research to address these disparities.</p> Carlos Alberto Parreño Herrera, Mauricio Sebastián Parreño Rivera Copyright (c) 2023 Carlos Alberto Parreño Herrera, Mauricio Sebastián Parreño Rivera Wed, 03 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Detention for Investigative Purposes in the COIP, an Attack Against the Presumption of Innocence <p>This research study examines the impact of the current regulations of the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code (COIP) in order to balance the conduct of criminal investigations and the protection of the presumption of innocence in detentions to collaborate with prosecutorial investigations. It focuses on ensuring the safety of the inhabitants of Ecuadorian territory. Using a qualitative approach, perceptions and challenges related to the presumption of innocence were explored using inductive-deductive, dogmatic-legal and analytical-synthetic methods. The results reveal that deprivation of liberty violates this principle, representing a threat to individual rights in criminal investigations. The need to implement alternative measures to pretrial detention to safeguard the presumption of innocence and respect human rights is highlighted. It recommends the adoption of measures such as detention for investigative purposes to protect the integrity of investigations and the fundamental rights of individuals. In conclusion, it is emphasized that the presumption of innocence must be protected and strengthened as an essential pillar of modern judicial systems.</p> Lourdes Gisella Gómez Encalada, Enrique Eugenio Pozo Cabrera Copyright (c) 2023 Lourdes Gisella Gómez Encalada, Enrique Eugenio Pozo Cabrera Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Tax Planning and Its Financial Impact on Individuals: Application 2021 and 2022 <p>The purpose of this research is to explore how tax planning, within current legal terms, can efficiently increase the liquidity or profitability of natural persons. The economic difficulties that arise when paying taxes can prevent natural persons from resolving their fiscal obligations or limit their capacity to do so. However, within the legal parameters established by the Tax Administration, alternatives are offered that allow natural persons to mitigate their tax burden. With the aid of proper tax and financial planning, it is possible to comply with the treasury without affecting the desired profitability and/or liquidity. This research includes a literature review and an analysis of the legal parameters applicable to the Value Added Tax (VAT) and Income Tax, demonstrating through specific calculations the financial impact of each, both individually and collectively. It highlights the tax application for natural persons, who are mostly unaware of these aspects in Ecuador, based on financial calculations and within legal guidelines. These reflect appropriate application alternatives, with clearly defined scenarios that show the economic connotations and impacts. The main conclusion of the study is that proper tax planning allows natural persons not required to keep accounting to significantly reduce their tax burden, thus improving their liquidity and profitability. This underscores the importance of knowing and correctly applying laws and tax benefits to efficiently manage taxes.</p> Marco Antonio Posligua San Martín Copyright (c) 2023 Marco Antonio Posligua San Martín Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Diagnosis of the use of flipped classrooms in English as a foreign language classes through teachers' perception in secondary education institutions in the city of Ambato <p>The application of flipped classroom techniques in second language acquisition has garnered increasing attention due to its potential to enhance student academic performance and motivation at the secondary school level. This literature review examines existing research on flipped classrooms within English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instruction, aiming to contextualize an investigation into teacher perceptions of adopting flipped models in Ambato public middle and high schools. By evaluating educator attitudes and experiences with Flipped EFL classrooms via surveys and interviews. This study intends to provide data-backed guidance to regional institutions and instructors on challenges, outcomes, best practices, and recommendations to enable effective implementation. With strong English proficiency closely tied to academic and career opportunities for Ambato youths, this research seeks to assess the viability of flipped techniques for optimizing local EFL pedagogy by spotlighting teacher-centered perspectives on friction points and successes in employing flipped learning.</p> José Andrés López Jordán, Antonio Lenín Argudo Garzón Copyright (c) 2023 José Andrés López Jordán, Antonio Lenín Argudo Garzón Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Effectiveness of Task-Based Language Teaching in Pronunciation Skills of Elementary Students <p>This study aims to examine the efficacy of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) in improving the pronunciation abilities of children at the primary level. The research focuses on a significant but relatively unexplored area within language education. The research utilizes a pre-test and post-test approach, leveraging the Azure AI platform for pronunciation evaluation, with a cohort of 7th-grade participants. The Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) intervention has been shown to substantially improve several aspects of pronunciation, including accuracy, fluency, completeness, and prosody. The results emphasize the practical implications for language educators and curriculum designers and the need for specific pronunciation teaching, especially at the primary school level. The paper proposes including several assessment methodologies while also recognizing the dependence on the Azure AI platform. The study continues by highlighting the significance of further research, encouraging inquiries into implementing Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) in various linguistic settings, with varied groups of learners, and over prolonged periods. This study is a valuable contribution to the existing body of knowledge on language teaching approaches by providing valuable insights into the potential of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) for improving pronunciation skills in primary school.</p> Diego Paul Duma Quilambaqui, Juan Pablo Contreras Parra Copyright (c) 2023 Diego Paul Duma Quilambaqui, Juan Pablo Contreras Parra Sat, 09 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Use of Short Stories to improve English proficiency in Sixth Graders <p style="font-weight: 400;">Existing research suggests that short stories are an engaging and immersive experience that actively stimulates foreign language students' imagination and promotes their interest in language acquisition; they can also foster empathy, critical thinking, and creativity, all of which are essential tools for language development. By bringing short stories into the language classroom, a variety of narratives, characters, and cross-cultural experiences might be met. This research examines English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students’ improvement and perceptions of the implementation of short stories into their English classes after a six-week period of exposure to it as a teaching-learning strategy. The findings of the investigation showed a slight difference in students’ language improvement after comparing the pre- and post-test results; however, students’ perceptions of the implementation of short stories could bring insights into the English classrooms to enhance students’ language skills, promoting passion for reading, and encouraging critical thinking.</p> Byron Teodoro Astudillo Tapia, Juanita Argudo-Serrano Copyright (c) 2023 Byron Teodoro Astudillo Tapia, Juanita Argudo-Serrano Sun, 25 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Impact of ‘WEBTOON’ as a Digital Reading Tool for EFL High School Students <p>After the pandemic, a palpable learning loss in the classrooms was left while more technological learners and teachers were born. It has led us to seek digital strategies to keep students engaged in the classrooms and one of these is the use of Webtoon. It has been widely gaining attention for its simple but fun interface in the generation Z, besides having different genres, themes, and panels with drawings that can engage users to keep reading in their leisure time. In the following qualitative study, the perspectives of high school students from UEPSMA (Unidad Educativa Particular Salesianas María Auxiliadora) in Cuenca were analyzed. Using three action research cycles with a qualitative method, they engaged in three pop quizzes and a final Google Forms survey at the end of the third. Results showed that students found Webtoon’s illustrations and vocabulary satisfying, and they continued reading because of the plot and the illustrations. Their open-ended questions also highlighted how content the majority were at using a digital reading tool in the classroom, boosting their English reading motivation.</p> Mónica Daniela Guartazaca Tacuri Copyright (c) 2023 Mónica Daniela Guartazaca Tacuri Sun, 10 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Assertive communication techniques: the impact on the academic performance of high school students <p style="font-weight: 400;">This research is significant due to its comprehensive examination of the influence of assertive communication on the academic performance of high school students. It is an essential factor that participants in the educational process must consider. The main objective of this research is to determine the impact of assertive communication on the academic efforts of students enrolled in the Unified General Baccalaureate program of the "Mushullacta" Educational Unit. Consequently, a systematic and organized research process is carried out, employing the scientific procedure that encompasses information from written sources and field work. In terms of methodology, a mixed approach is employed, combining quantitative and qualitative variables. Consequently, data are obtained from different groups, including control and experimental groups. Consequently, the research falls within the descriptive-correlational scope, since the two variables, namely assertive communication and academic performance, are interrelated within the academic context of students in the virtual modality. The results obtained indicate that assertive communication has a significant impact on the interaction between educational participants. Alternative solutions for academic performance were developed.</p> William Franklin Chaglla Lasluisa, Kleber Mauricio Núñez Bautista Copyright (c) 2023 William Franklin Chaglla Lasluisa, Kleber Mauricio Núñez Bautista Wed, 14 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000