Analysis of conditional suspension of sentences as a tool for preventing recidivism in crime
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Conditional suspension of sentence; criminal recidivism; crime prevention; rehabilitation; social reintegration. Suspensión condicional de la pena; reincidencia delictiva; prevención del delito; rehabilitación; reinserción social. Suspensão condicional de sentenças; reincidência; prevenção de crimes; reabilitação; reintegração social.

How to Cite

Rueda Echeverría, D. F., & Ochoa Rodríguez, F. E. (2024). Analysis of conditional suspension of sentences as a tool for preventing recidivism in crime. Runas. Journal of Education and Culture, 5(9), e240184.


This study examines the role of probation as a strategy to prevent recidivism. Probation is a legal instrument utilized in many legal systems to allow certain offenders to serve their sentence outside of prison, provided they meet specific conditions set by the judge. Through a thorough review of academic literature and relevant empirical data, the effects of probation on reducing recidivism are examined, and the factors contributing to its effectiveness are evaluated. The findings indicate that probation can be an effective tool for preventing recidivism in certain contexts. Individuals who receive probation are observed to have lower rates of recidivism compared to those serving conventional prison sentences. Additionally, several factors that may influence the effectiveness of probation are identified, including the quality of supervision, the adequacy of imposed conditions, and access to rehabilitation programs and social support. The importance of designing probation programs backed by empirical evidence and focusing on skills development, rehabilitation, and social reintegration of offenders is highlighted. It is concluded that, if implemented properly and with sufficient resources, probation can play a significant role in preventing recidivism and promoting public safety.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 David Francisco Rueda Echeverría, Fernando Esteban Ochoa Rodríguez


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