Literature Review about the Intrinsic motivation in Young English as a Foreign Language LearnersLiterature Review about the Intrinsic motivation in Young English as a Foreign Language Learners


Motivação intrínseca; aprendizado; jovens estudantes; alunos de inglês como língua estrangeira. Motivación intrínseca; aprendizaje; jóvenes estudiantes; Estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera Intrinsic motivation; learning; young students; English as a Foreign Language learners.

How to Cite

Sánchez Franco, C. E., & Pérez Ortega, M. I. (2024). Literature Review about the Intrinsic motivation in Young English as a Foreign Language LearnersLiterature Review about the Intrinsic motivation in Young English as a Foreign Language Learners. Runas. Journal of Education and Culture, 5(9), e240179.


This literature review focuses on the influence of intrinsic motivation on learning, particularly among English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students. The goal is to provide theoretical support for future research and expand knowledge about the significance of intrinsic motivation and the strategies teachers can use to develop it to facilitate classroom work and promote student-centered education. The need for this study arises from the lack of motivation observed in young English learners who perceive the language as complex and not applicable in authentic contexts. This qualitative and descriptive study advanced by selecting relevant information, analyzing it, and presenting findings. The result showed that intrinsic motivation makes students enjoy the learning process, look for their strategies, and solve problems when facing challenges since the desire comes from their inner interest and their own goals. Most authors state that activities that promote automaticity help foster intrinsic motivation arising from self-esteem, self-control, and self-regulation. The specific activities proposed to get students’ self-commitment emphasize gamification, research-based projects, project-based learning, and flipped learning, mainly when focusing on social topics, facilitating students’ interaction with the target language and instilling confidence in their abilities.


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