The problem lies in the lack of clarity about how microcredit provided by the financial cooperative sector and how it influences the social development of members. Although dimensions such as accessibility, social cohesion and survival are identified, the specific understanding of how this affect social development is ambiguous. Given the above, the objective of the research work is to analyze the impact of microcredit on the social development of the partners of the entrepreneurs in the canton of La Maná. The research focuses on a quantitative method, since it seeks to describe, explain, verify and predict causal phenomena, in order to generate and test theories. Therefore, data is collected with standardized and validated instruments. As a study sample, 200 enterprises belonging to the La Maná Canton were taken into account, this is because this sector is the one that requests these microcredits to develop their businesses. The results obtained were carried out through the Spss statistical software, which resolved a factor analysis, which yielded results of the KMO and Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity, total explained variance and components in rotated space. Finally, it was concluded that the dimension accessibility, social cohesion, survival, and growth are different and relevant components that together added up to a cumulative percentage of 77%.
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