Customer service in Facebook’s Marketplace by entrepreneurs in the city of Cuenca
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Customer service; Marketplace; Facebook; e-commerce; entrepreneurship. Servicio al cliente; Marketplace; Facebook; comercio electrónico; emprendimiento. Atendimento ao cliente; Marketplace; Facebook; comércio eletrônico; empreendedorismo.

How to Cite

Parra Silva, J. P. (2024). Customer service in Facebook’s Marketplace by entrepreneurs in the city of Cuenca. Runas. Journal of Education and Culture, 5(9), e240163.


In response to the growing importance of Facebook as an e-commerce platform during the COVID-19 pandemic, where a significant percentage of unemployed young Ecuadorians found in the Marketplace an opportunity for entrepreneurship, this study set out to evaluate the quality of customer service offered by entrepreneurs in the city of Cuenca. Using a methodology based on the analysis of 384 publications and a random sampling technique with a 95% margin of error and a 5% confidence level, the speed of responses and the use of automated responses were explored. The results indicated that most entrepreneurs respond quickly within 24 hours, however, only a small percentage were rated as having excellent service, which points to an opportunity to improve personalization and quality of service. The overall conclusion of the study underscores that, despite efficiency in communication, it is essential to develop a more personalized interaction to strengthen customer trust and satisfaction in the dynamic digital commerce environment.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Juan Pablo Parra Silva


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