Vol. 3 No. 6 (2022): Dossier: Lukács and History and Class Consciousness, a century later: dialectics, totality, and reification
Dossier: Lukács and History and Class Consciousness, a century later: dialectics, totality, and reification

 July-December 2022

Guest Editor:

Dr. Alejandro Fernando González Jiménez. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Dossier Section

Alejandro Fernando González Jiménez
Introduction of the dossier. Lukács and History and Class Consciousness, a century later: dialectics, totality, and reification
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Christian Terrazas Sánchez
Misrepresented class consciousness in pre-capitalist and capitalist societies
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George García Quesada
Reification and global capitalism. The colonial and imperialist question from History and Class Consciousness
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Sergio Lomelí
Subjectivity and organization in Georg Lukács’ History and class consciousness
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Luis Rodrigo Wesche Lira
History, anticipatory consciousness and utopia: the discussion between Georg Lukács and Ernst Bloch on Thomas Müntzer and the dialectical totality
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José Anuar Sayeg Salgado
Orthodox Marxists and the First World War: Lenin and Rosa Luxemburg
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João Romeiro Hermeto
Ethics, Alienation, and Ontology: The impossible is the starting point of each possible
José Miguel Meléndez Alonzo
Critical notes on financialization in The time of the invested, a reading from Georg Lukács
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Juan Iván Carrasco Andrés
The Letter on Humanism read by Lukács: An attempt at a materialist interpretation of Heidegger
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