Based on Ernst Bloch’s review “Actuality and Utopia” (1923), on the work of his youth friend Georg Lukács, History and Class Consciousness, this article first reviews the coincidences between the two thinkers about recovering Hegelian dialectics and its concept of totality for historical materialism. Then we study the debate that both had about the german theologian Thomas Müntzer and the relevance of characterizing him as an abstract utopian or as a theologian of the revolution because in this discussion the place of utopia in the dialectical understanding of reality is crystallized. Finally, we analyze Bloch’s critique of the Lukacsian concept of totality in his review, for his inability to give space in social reality to religion (and other fields), the multiplicity of temporal rhythms and anticipatory consciousness, and his alternative proposal of the concept of the sphere, which subsumes the contributions of the totality, but also take to a higher level the dialectical understanding of reality.
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