Active learning methodologies incorporating TIC’s to develop reading skills in the San Mateo from Manta Educational Unit
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Hábito de leitura; Cognição; Leitura; Aluno; Pedagogia. Habit of reading; Cognition; Reading; Pupil; Pedagogy. Hábito de lectura; Cognición; Lectura; Alumno; Pedagogía.

How to Cite

Zambrano Menéndez, G. J., & Cano Delgado, J. T. (2022). Active learning methodologies incorporating TIC’s to develop reading skills in the San Mateo from Manta Educational Unit. Runas. Journal of Education and Culture, 3(6), e21075.


The incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies, ICT, in teaching-learning processes improves the quality of education and allows communities to evolve. The exploration that is presented implies the improvement of reading skills, through digital resources, based on the following question: How to improve reading skills through the use of ICT in the students of the San Juan Educational Unit? Matthew? The present investigation reports the results by observing the didactic strategy in the teaching-learning of reading skills, which will later be helped by means of free software, to lead the student to process information. Methodologically, quasi-experimental research was applied from the qualitative and quantitative approach; the research sample was made up of the teaching staff whose number is 12. As data collection techniques, a survey and interview were used. The results showed that innovation is needed to improve reading skills and motivate teachers to improve the teaching-learning process of students; These skills are considered the basis of instruction in the different areas of knowledge. All this research serves to improve educational quality in students through the reading process and its comprehension as a skill.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Geovanny Javier Zambrano Menéndez, Janneth Teresa Cano Delgado


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