The Pedagogical use of Social Networks to improve Writing Skills with EFL Students from Nabón Third Grade High School


Social Networks; writing; English language learning. Redes Sociales; escritura; aprendizaje del idioma inglés. Redes sociais; escrita; aprendizagem da língua inglesa.

How to Cite

Guayllas Sarango, N., & Juca Castro, C. (2023). The Pedagogical use of Social Networks to improve Writing Skills with EFL Students from Nabón Third Grade High School. Runas. Journal of Education and Culture, 4(7), e230101.


Social Networks have become essential resources for modern citizens in all aspects of life. It is a need in the whole features of society, and education is not an exception. The use of social media somehow could improve the students’ achievement in English language learning. The research proposal aims to investigate which Social Networks are the most useful for students from “Nabón High School” and incorporate social media in a lesson plan sample to motivate and help learners to develop their English Writing Skills in a dynamic context. Quantitative and qualitative research methods were used to carry out this study. The instrument used in this study includes a survey questionnaire that was conducted for students in Third Grade high school in a major computing system. During this process, students demonstrated their freedom of expression in the survey due to their practice through social media connections in their daily life. On the other hand, the gathered data revealed positive viewpoints on using Social Networks such as Facebook, WhatsApp, and TIKTOK. The research proposal suggests that teachers should change their teaching methods in order to make their classes more interesting by applying innovative strategies


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