Reduction of school violence: influence of university environmental factors
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School violence, environmental factors, students, educational environment, welcoming. Violencia escolar, factores ambientales, estudiantes, ambiente educativo, acogedor. Violência escolar, fatores ambientais, estudantes, ambiente educativo, acolhimento.

How to Cite

Villagómez Contreras, D. S., Landeta Maldonado, N. V., & Zapata Palma, J. O. (2023). Reduction of school violence: influence of university environmental factors. Runas. Journal of Education and Culture, 4(7), e23090.


Ecuador, like other countries, is affected by the problem of violence, this problem does not only affect the educational units and the students who practice or experience it, but also extends to society. Some research results indicate that students who experience or witness violence at school are more likely to perpetuate violent behavior. Therefore, the objective of the research is to identify the causes and factors of school violence (Bullying). For this, a model proposed by Everett & Price, was applied. The survey was carried out by 70 students of the psychology career at the Central University of Ecuador. A quantitative method was obtained since the data obtained through the application of the form was collected and analyzed. Finally, to carry out the statistic, exploratory factor analysis was carried out because it will allow us to explore the underlying dimensions, constructs, or latent variables of the variables used, in other words, those observed and measured by the researcher more precisely. Finally, it was concluded that violence in schools cannot be ignored. While many students may feel safer on campus, many are negatively affected by violence to the point that some campuses are not safe places conducive to learning, but rather a place that perpetuates anger and fear.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Diana Susana Villagómez Contreras, Nacira Virginia Landeta Maldonado, Jaime Oswaldo Zapata Palma


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