Forced to study a second language online. The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on EFL students due to the abrupt change to online learning


Aprendizagem on-line; COVID-19; Inglês como língua estrangeira. Aprendizaje en línea; COVID-19; Estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera. Online learning; COVID-19; EFL students.

How to Cite

Flores Flores, M. G., & Argudo Garzón, A. L. (2023). Forced to study a second language online. The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on EFL students due to the abrupt change to online learning. Runas. Journal of Education and Culture, 4(7), e23099.


The whole world witnessed changes triggered by the sudden COVID-19 pandemic, which caused serious disruptions in economic, social, and cultural dynamics everywhere. Higher education has also undeniably suffered from the challenges, and many college students worldwide have turned away from formal education and lost touch. One of the most significant changes has been in how the educational process has been delivered, moving from traditional on-site education to online education. This qualitative study examined EFL students at the Language Center of the Catholic University of Cuenca in Ecuador. This study aimed to explore students' perceptions of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, it aimed to analyze students' perceptions regarding the tools used for online learning and the effectiveness of learning a second language online under forced learning conditions. To this end, a survey and questionnaire were used to collect data on the acceptance of online learning by students who had already experienced online learning mode. It also identified the factors that facilitated online learning and the challenges. The study's results provided information about the advantages and disadvantages of online education and recommendations for the continuity of EFL online learning.


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Copyright (c) 2023 María Gracia Flores Flores, Antonio Lenin Argudo Garzón


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