This study was carried out due to the importance that speaking fluency has in communication management. In Santa Marianita de Jesus High School, students from the seventh year have successfully developed language skills like listening, reading, and writing. However, throughout an observation, it was found out that learners struggled with speaking fluency. The necessity of this study laid on the fact that the development of speaking fluency is crucial for an effective communication. The lack of effective communication was noticed since pupils could not share their thoughts, ideas, and feeling using English as the mean of communication. The general objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of presentation, practice, and production method in the development of speaking fluency among students. This study was carried out through a mixed approach, descriptive, exploratory methodology, and quasi-experimental design. The theoretical support was from books, papers, scientific magazines, and articles. To collect data, some instruments were used such as a pre-test, post-test, and an observation card to determine how effective PPP was to boost fluency during the intervention. Finally, results showed that it has statistically significant evidence at a=0.005 in speed, prosody, and coherence. This indicates that the PPP method contributes to speaking fluency, especially in prosody. This method PPP that belongs to the communicative approach allowed students to communicate in the target language effectively.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Rebeca Jeannette Pazmiño Vargas, Vanessa del Pilara Sisalema Sánchez, Tamara Lissette Cabrera Mejía