Digital Marketing as a strategic toll for business positioning
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Marketing Digital; E-commerce; Mercado Empresarial, Herramientas tecnológicas; Consumidor. Digital Marketing; E-commerce; Business market, technological tolos; Consumer. Marketing digital; comércio eletrônico; mercado empresarial, ferramentas tecnológicas; consumidor.

How to Cite

Hernández Mesa, C. A., & Carreño Amaya, N. S. (2023). Digital Marketing as a strategic toll for business positioning. Runas. Journal of Education and Culture, 4(7), e230088.


he interactive and digital dynamics of companies was accentuated by the pandemic, making visible the lack of digital skills on the part of workers, little or no training in digital programs and inadequate commercial management through digital marketing, demanding the need to develop , transform and use new methods, instruments and tools that strengthen business positioning through the design of digital marketing strategies for MSMEs affiliated with the Cafam family compensation fund located in Bogotá, in order to improve the financial structure and positioning of such entities at the local and national level. Being a mixed character investigation, a sequential explanatory design, framed in 3 phases or stages of development, which identify characteristics of positive and negative impacts in social, commercial, administrative and environmental digital environments, through its axes of analysis, namely: population, society, space and resource, which allows triangulating qualitative and quantitative information in different business contexts, obtaining the profiling of digital marketing strategies for the MSMEs under study where business management associated with variables such as economy, local development is involved. , regional development and consumer profile, directing the positioning of products and services in social networks, commercial dissemination in advertising campaigns, satisfaction surveys, promotions, focus on products and services and customer loyalty, as well as the approach to digital content by the staff involved in each of the work areas and organizational environment.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Claudia Alicia Hernández Mesa, Nubia Stella Carreño Amaya


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