Reification and global capitalism. The colonial and imperialist question from History and Class Consciousness
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Reificação; Colonialidade; Capitalismo; Imperialismo; Racialização. Reification; Coloniality; Capitalism; Imperialism; Racialization. Cosificación; Colonialidad; Capitalismo; Imperialismo; Racialización.

How to Cite

García Quesada, G. (2022). Reification and global capitalism. The colonial and imperialist question from History and Class Consciousness. Runas. Journal of Education and Culture, 3(6), e21084.


This paper revisits the concept of reification and the topic of the colonial and imperial problem in Georg Lukács’s History and Class Consciousness. Drawing from the Global Labour History and the postcolonial criticism of the industrial workerist focus on this book, we expose a reformulation of the concept of reification, based on abstract labor (instead of the commodity), from which we propose the concepts of domination (Postone) and racialization (Quijano) as derivative forms of reification which are applicable to the peripheral spaces of the capitalist expansion.
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