Field, habitus and capital. An analytical proposal from the comparative perspective
Dossier | Educación y experiencias de aprendizaje desde los movimientos comunitarios-populares en el Sur Global.
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trayectoria social; práctica social; comparación trayectoria social; práctica social; comparación trajetória social; prática social; comparação.

How to Cite

Colin Márquez, A. K., Chavarría Sánches Zúñiga, R., & Cerón Martínez, A. U. (2022). Field, habitus and capital. An analytical proposal from the comparative perspective. Runas. Journal of Education and Culture, 3(5), e21058.


The theoretical-conceptual foundation is one of the references to approach a research problem and although an analysis of the object of study is carried out from the same theoretical perspective, different works generate reasoning and unique results, oriented to different social dimensions about their practical implications, for this it is important to consider the use that various scientific productions have given to the same theory. The present work has the objective to describe and analyze the theoretical and empirical approach that has been given to the study of social trajectories and that has used the theory of Pierre Bourdieu as a reflective, analytical and explanatory reference for the subject in question; for this purpose, different scientific productions were used, which make up a state of knowledge, distinguishing as categories of analysis its main characteristics such as objective, temporality, method, context, and scope; this was done using the methodology of comparative studies proposed by Bereday, which consists of four phases: description, interpretation, juxtaposition, and comparison. Once the comparison analysis has been carried out, some final reflections of what is found are presented, such as the tendency to apply qualitative methodologies such as life and biographical histories, the analytical similarity of the authors in positioning the subjects in specific fields according to the type of capital they possess and habitus acquired, as well as interpreting their trajectories in conditions of reproduction or mobility according to the permanence or transformation in a time and conditions certain.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Ana Karen Colin Márquez, Raúl Chavarría Sánches Zúñiga, Armando Ulises Cerón Martínez


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