Unconstitutionality of Original Norm: Article 67 of the Constitution of Ecuador
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Derecho Constitucional; Sistema Político; Constitución. Constitutional Law; Political System; Constitution. Direito Constitucional; Sistema Político; Constituição.

How to Cite

Fajardo Chabla, P. M., & Parra Vicuña, R. M. (2024). Unconstitutionality of Original Norm: Article 67 of the Constitution of Ecuador. Runas. Journal of Education and Culture, 5(10), e240206. https://doi.org/10.46652/runas.v5i10.206


The theories of constitutionalism and neo-constitutionalism presuppose a Constitution that defends and guarantees human rights that in written form, manifests the will of the people, which is why it has the character of supreme, however, it does not always work that way, since the constituent power in charge of drafting the Constitution can make mistakes.  because it lacks limits in positive law, however, there are limits that come from the positive meta law on which Bachof bases himself to base the possibility of unconstitutional constitutional norms. In order to analyze the unconstitutionality of Article 67 of the Ecuadorian Constitution, the doctrinal and theoretical conceptualization of the possibility of unconstitutionality in original norms was carried out, in addition to the evaluation of the extension of the right to marriage to identify the limits that same-sex couples have in the exercise of this right, finally the unconstitutionality of the article was identified; applying the methodology of Grounded Theory, it was determined that it comes from the contradiction to the positive meta right by going against fundamental rights and principles, in addition it lacks effectiveness at present, making it invalid. To the question: How would the unconstitutionality of an original norm such as Article 67 of the Constitution be resolved? a reform was found as a solution, given the impossibility of filing an action of unconstitutionality.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Paola Mishelle Fajardo Chabla, Raúl Mauricio Parra Vicuña


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