The protection action has been distorted as a constitutional guarantee because it is used to obtain a favorable result in other matters. Therefore, the objective of this research is to analyze the protection action due to the abuse of rights by petitioners, using qualitative and quantitative methods. This involves reviewing the admissibility of the protection action based on the examination of scientific articles with doctrinal criteria and interviews with constitutional judges in procedural practice. This research clearly demonstrates that there is a problem of abuse of the protection action by petitioners, with statistical data showing that 60% of protection actions were inadmissible in the canton of Azogues, province of Cañar, in 2023. This problem can be resolved through a reform of the Organic Law of Jurisdictional Guarantees and Constitutional Control by adding a new section to Article 42 on the inadmissibility of the protection action.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Osmar Magno Peñas Moreno, David Sebastián Vázquez Martínez