In an increasingly competitive and dynamic business environment, adopting agile methodologies in IT projects is crucial to ensure efficiency and success in delivering software products and services. This article focuses on analyzing the specific challenges organizations face when implementing these methodologies by conducting detailed interviews with key employees to thoroughly understand these challenges and the strategies used to overcome them. The development of this study is based on qualitative, descriptive, field, and cross-sectional research. The field research adopted in this study relies on interviews as a technique for collecting qualitative data. Initially, the essential background of agile methodologies is explored, emphasizing their iterative and incremental nature, customer-centric approach, and ability to adapt swiftly to changes in project requirements. Then, it delves into the most common challenges that arise during the implementation of these methodologies, such as resistance to organizational change, the need for expertise and knowledge within teams, and managing the inherent uncertainty in agile projects. The critical importance of a strong and flexible organizational culture that fosters agility is highlighted, promoting active collaboration, transparency in communication, and a continuous focus on learning and improvement. Additionally, the necessity of effective training and education for teams is underscored, along with the implementation of agile project management practices and the proper use of modern tools and technologies.
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