Learning styles and academic success in 21st century university students: a bibliometric analysis
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Learning styles; academic performance; university students; teaching methods. Estilos de aprendizaje; rendimiento académico; estudiantes universitarios; métodos de enseñanza. Estilos de aprendizagem; desempenho acadêmico; estudantes universitários; métodos de ensino.

How to Cite

Jardón Gallegos, M. del C., Medina-Romero, M., Díaz Martínez, J. V., & Pérez Zúñiga, E. J. (2024). Learning styles and academic success in 21st century university students: a bibliometric analysis. Runas. Journal of Education and Culture, 5(10), e240182. https://doi.org/10.46652/runas.v5i10.182


The study between the learning style of college students and their academic performance in the 21st century is important to improve teaching methods and promote educational inclusion. The aim of this study is to review the information between the learning style of college students and their academic performance, focusing on identifying patterns and trends from a systematic review of the existing literature. A systematic review methodology was employed, performing searches in academic databases (SCOPUS) using key terms related to the topic. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to select relevant studies, working with 2,050 articles from 2019 to 2024 and data on learning style and students’ academic performance were extracted. The results obtained revealed a significant correlation between certain learning styles and academic performance in the 21st century. The results obtained revealed a significant correlation between certain learning styles and academic performance in the 21st century. In particular, it was observed that students with a preference for the reflective learning style showed higher academic performance compared to those with a preference for the active style. These findings have important implications for educational practice, as they suggest that adapting teaching methods and didactic resources according to the learning styles of college students for academic success.

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Copyright (c) 2024 María del Carmen Jardón Gallegos, Miguel Medina-Romero, José Vicente Díaz Martínez, Eber Jardiel Pérez Zúñiga


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