The article presents an analysis conducted at the Gabriela Mistral Educational Unit, which addresses the impact of the use of digital tools in the teaching process. The objective of the research is to describe and examine the practices of seventh grade students in the use of digital tools and platforms for teaching Natural Sciences. The research is based on an instrument consisting of a Likert-type digital survey applied to the students of the respective Educational Unit. Methodologically, the Mann-Whitney U analysis and statistical techniques such as measures of central tendency and Pearson’s correlation applied to a sample of 108 students were used. In addition, the results obtained indicate that there is a correlation of 0.92; therefore, a very strong positive relationship is observed, i.e., there is a direct association between the use of digital tools with respect to their application within the process. In conclusion, the evaluation of the use of digital tools, such as Edmodo, in the teaching of Natural Sciences supports the effectiveness and positive acceptance of the integration of educational technology. The high reliability of the instrument used reinforces the consistency of the implementation, indicating a positive impact on students.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Jessica Alexandra Garcia Salinas, Margoth Silvana Rivera Pilamunga, Fabiola Beatriz Buñay Gualacio, Jury Marisela Lapo Fernández