This analysis investigates the high rate of employee turnover in micro, small and medium-sized companies (MSMEs) in the Latacunga area, associated with the insufficiency of effective leadership and job dissatisfaction. The main purpose is to examine how effective leadership and well-being at work affect the frequency with which staff decide to change jobs, using a quantitative method, a non-experimental correlational design and partial least squares analysis techniques. The research was carried out with a sample of 239 MSMEs, selected through a random sampling process. The findings indicate that although effective leadership is not robustly directly correlated with the decision to change jobs, it has a significant impact on job satisfaction. In turn, a higher degree of job satisfaction is associated with a lower propensity to leave the current job. The conclusion highlights the importance of promoting leadership that not only motivates, but also meets and improves the work expectations of the staff, which will increase their loyalty and permanence in the company. The importance of adopting an integrated perspective in human resources management is highlighted, which combines effective leadership policies with tactics aimed at increasing job satisfaction.
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