Revisiting the rights of children and adolescents
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Direitos; ignorância; violação; proteção; descoberta. Derechos; desconocimiento; vulneración; protección; descubrir. Rights; ignorance; violation; protection; discover.

How to Cite

Pachacama Banda, N. I., Chica Méndez, T. S., Reyes Pinto, K. G., & Cedeño Silvestre, L. A. (2023). Revisiting the rights of children and adolescents. Runas. Journal of Education and Culture, 4(8), e230146.


The promotion and protection of the rights of boys and girls has become a fundamental pillar within educational contexts, in order to guarantee the comprehensive development of students, focusing the responsibility of schools, in terms of the construction of learning spaces directed towards the recognition of the other as a subject with full rights, highlighting the fundamental role of teachers in the exercise of promotion and protection, from the conceptual and practical appropriation by children of their rights to mitigate school vulnerability , hence the purpose of this research article whose main objective is to carry out training on the code of childhood and adolescence at the Joaquín Gallegos Educational Unit, in order to improve and facilitate access to information for students, teachers and the entire educational community. To achieve this objective, an analysis will be carried out to better understand the needs of the students based on their knowledge of their duties, rights, and obligations. Finally, the socialization of the code of childhood and adolescence will be implemented. This Code provides for the comprehensive protection that the State, society and the family must guarantee to all children and adolescents living in Ecuador, to achieve their integral development and the full enjoyment of their rights, in a framework of freedom, dignity and equity. Ultimately, this research article seeks to offer an efficient and effective solution to provide, improve and expand students’ knowledge and thus be able to prevent human rights abuses, combat discrimination, promote equality and encourage the participation of people in decision-making processes.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Natalia Iveth Pachacama Banda, Thalía Selina Chica Méndez, Katherine Gabriela Reyes Pinto, Luis Adrián Cedeño Silvestre


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