The research refers to the Technical Execution in women's soccer according to age and level of sports experience, it was carried out in the city of Azogues, in the Javier Loyola parish at the National University of Education UNAE, considering that the preparation of the technical execution it is important to discover the skills of athletes in soccer and that their performance on the field of play is optimal; Its objective is to determine the technical execution in women's soccer according to age and level of sports experience; a non-experimental design was used, with a quantitative approach, and a survey and an observation sheet were applied as an information collection instrument, evidencing in the part of the analysis of the results of the information collection instruments that the athletes like to carry out their training in a group way because through them it generates motivational environments, just as according to the experience the athletes in the training demonstrated to execute the techniques in a normal balance, that is why it is required to show enthusiasm in the training to that the control and mastery of the ball on the field of play is correctly potentiated.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Francisco Javier Larriva González, Santiago Alejandro Jarrin Navas, Natalia María Rodríguez Zárate