Fest and revolt In Alboroto y Motín de Indios de México
Fiesta y revuelta en Alboroto y Motín de indios de México
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Alboroto y motín
conde de Galve
Sigüenza y Góngora Sigüenza y Góngora
female indigenous

How to Cite

Taiano, L. (2020). Fest and revolt In Alboroto y Motín de Indios de México. Runas. Journal of Education and Culture, 1(1), 44-56. https://doi.org/10.46652/runas.v1i1.8


This research analyses how Carlos de Sigüenza and Góngora describes the dichotomy of festivity-revolt in Alboroto y motín de Indios de México. This study is structured in five parts. The first one takes as its starting point the concept of polis and the regulations for the common good. The second one alludes to the Spanish splendor produced in the different members of Novohispanic polis. The third part analyses the letrado’s function within the viceregal organization. The fourth part examines the active role of Female Indigenous in the revolt’s organization and development. Finally, in the fifth part, I propose the existence of a Plebeian collective consciousness within the viceroyalty of New Spain. Through this analysis, the study concludes that the revolt that took place In 1692 has all the characteristics of the revolts that happened in the Spanish territories throughout the 17th century, in which, during a celebratory event, there could arise insurrectionary actions to impose the isonomia in the polis.

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