Artificial intelligence transforming economic investment management into a new investment management model
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Inversiones; inteligencia artificial; financieras; redes sociales; automatizadas; inversionistas. Investments, artificial intelligence, financial, social networks, automated, investors. Investimentos; inteligência artificial; financeiro; redes sociais; automatizado; investidores.

How to Cite

Sánchez Hernández, C. R., & Belisario Castillo, M. A. (2024). Artificial intelligence transforming economic investment management into a new investment management model. Runas. Journal of Education and Culture, 5(10), e24059.


Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing economic investment management, transforming traditional approaches into a new, more efficient and adaptive model. This change is due to AI's ability to analyze large volumes of data in real time, allowing investment managers to make more informed and faster decisions. One of the main benefits of AI in this context is its ability to identify patterns and trends in the market that could go unnoticed by human analysts. Tools such as machine learning and natural language processing facilitate the assessment of market sentiment, analyzing financial news and social networks to predict movements in asset prices. In addition, AI allows for the customization of investment strategies. Algorithms can adapt to each investor's preferences and risk tolerances, creating portfolios more aligned with their financial objectives. This not only improves potential performance, but also optimizes the user experience. However, this transformation also poses challenges. Over-reliance on algorithms can lead to situations where human factors or unforeseen events affecting the market are ignored. Regulation and ethics in the use of AI are crucial aspects that must be addressed to avoid risks associated with automated decisions. In conclusion, artificial intelligence is reconfiguring the economic investment landscape, offering innovative tools that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of managerial decisions. As this technology continues to evolve, its integration into financial management promises to redefine how investors interact with markets.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Carlos Román Sánchez Hernández, Manuel Alejandro Belisario Castillo


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