Application of socio-educational projects within the classroom: teaching experience in the subject of Descriptive Statistics
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assessment; socio-educational projects; analytical rubric; socioformation evaluación; proyectos socioformativos; rúbrica analítica; socioformación

How to Cite

Bermeo, F. (2021). Application of socio-educational projects within the classroom: teaching experience in the subject of Descriptive Statistics. Runas. Journal of Education and Culture, 2(3), e21042.


The application of training projects as a didactic strategy from the socioformative approach constitutes a contribution to the knowledge society for students to develop their talent considering the current changes in upper secondary education. The purpose of this work is to describe the application of training projects in sixth-semester students at the Instituto Politécnico Nacional, as well as to analyze the impact that the realization of socio-educational projects has. Student observation was applied in learning environments outside the classroom; The reflective processes involved the analysis of the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the strategy. The results showed the formation through socio-formative projects causing an understanding, analysis, interpretation, and resolution of problems to be carried out linking different concepts and areas of knowledge to achieve meaningful learning. In a conclusion, it is necessary to carry out socio-educational projects, improve human talent and face the challenges of the knowledge society by addressing real problems and collaboration.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Faridy Bermeo


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