Given the importance that normal schools have had in Argentine history, this article aims to analyze the story of a teacher trained in these schools -a “normal” teacher – about the educational fact from the main theoretical perspectives of the sociology of education and, in order to determine what kind of approach prevails in this specific case. The methodology used for this purpose consists in the analysis of a letter written by her where she talks about her experience as a teacher between 1966 and 1979. It is about a teacher who was received in the mid-1940s in a normal school that depended on the first normal school in the country founded by Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, namely the Normal School of Paraná, created by law in 1869. This letter is analyzed from the most important theoretical approaches to the sociology of education such as functionalism, critical-reproductivism, symbolic interactionism, critical pedagogy and resistance theory. By way of conclusion, it can be said that, beyond the fact that there are contradictions in the experience, in the teacher’s account there is a vision of the educational fact that is closer to the functionalist perspective than to any other that impacts her practices.
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