This article, entitled “Socialize the Code of Childhood and Adolescence in the Nueva Concordia Educational Unit for students in the tenth year of basic education period 2023-2024”, constitutes a research tool, with which it is intended to investigate compliance with the duties and obligations of boys and girls; analysis that was carried out through the implementation of surveys where observations were given, for this study the tenth grade students of basic education of the Nueva Concordia Educational Unit have been taken into account, through the information that was collected it will be provided to comply with the study objectives. The development of the following case analysis was structured by theoretical foundation; in which general representations will be implemented, which support the project, the methodology describes how the study of the analysis proposal will be carried out, once carried out an interpretation of results will be reached; With the data collected, it is analyzed and interpreted using statistical tables and graphs. Some recommendations will be presented to the authorities of the institution, with the purpose of contributing to the improvement of relationships and knowledge of the code of childhood and adolescence with students, so that there is an environment of respect, peace, and harmony, hoping it can serve as a reference. For other institutions that seek the same purpose with students.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2023 Michael Alexander Moreira Obando, Junior Alejandro Torres Basurto, Juan Eliecer Montaño Hurtado, Martha Cecilia López