This article presents the Digital Museum of Sexual Insurrection (MUDIS) as a result of an educational intervention whose main purpose was to detect areas of opportunity for the development of exhibition projects by art and design students with LGBTIQ+ themes. Likewise, the objective of this article is to expose the museological bases from queer theory that made this museum possible, as well as the lines of action with which the museum works. To this end, the participatory action research methodology with which the museum was designed is exposed, as well as to recognize the work of all the people involved in it. Finally, the discussions are shown that invite us to think of this museum as a communicational guerrilla strategy to rethink the museum as a medium and look for other ways to include LGBTIQ+ populations in museum spaces from the subversion of discourses and recognize the existence of these communities. In conclusion, MUDIS is a kind of happy activism that seeks to build, recognize and preserve an LGBTIQ+ cultural heritage instead of denying it.
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