The study focuses on identifying the predominant managerial skills of women in managerial positions at the Catholic University of Cuenca and how to strengthen them to promote female leadership and gender equity in the workplace. Adopting a positivist approach and quantitative methodology, exploratory and descriptive research was conducted with a cross-sectional and simple random probability sampling, the study covers 135 women in management positions, of which a sample of 105 women was surveyed. The results highlight the correlation between more training and the correction of gender inequalities, highlighting the influence of female leadership in the development of managerial skills. It is evident that mentoring programs and institutional support strengthen these skills and contribute to gender equity in the university. Strengthening management skills such as teamwork, effective communication, strategic decisions, decision-making, and conflict resolution is fundamental for women to overcome barriers and demonstrate their worth as competent leaders. Empowering women leaders benefits both organizations, enriching decision-making and diversity of perspectives and approaches, and society in general, fostering greater performance and competitiveness in the business environment. This research highlights the need to promote the development of management skills in women leaders at the Catholic University of Cuenca and in other work environments through specific leadership development programs for women.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ruth Noemí Fajardo Pauta, Diego Marcelo Cordero González, Juan Bautista Solís Muñoz