The study aimed to examine the impact of student-perceived quality and perceived price on student satisfaction by applying the ServQual model to recognize student perception. The applied methodology had a quantitative approach; therefore, it is essential to collect accurate and reliable data that can be analyzed statistically. The study sample was made up of 200 students from the 4 technological institutes of the province of Chimborazo according to the cross-sectional study. To collect the information, a questionnaire carried out in Microsoft Forms was applied to the students of the 4 institutes belonging to the province of Chimborazo based on the SERVQUAL model, with the intervention of the dimensions: tangibility, reliability, responsibility, security, empathy, and quality. from service. To obtain the results, the statistical method of factor analysis was used using SPSS software, from which the KMO and Bartlett tests were obtained to determine the feasibility of the model. Finally, it was concluded that, once the impact of quality perceived by students and perceived value on student satisfaction was examined, it resulted in a relationship of 72% according to the factor analysis carried out, which suggests that these two factors are highly influential in the students’ experience.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Silvia Valeria Castelo Quinde, Laura Mercedes Quishpi Espinel, María Ángela Gómez Jaramillo, Evelin Adriana Campos Cabezas