Absence of workers in fulfillment of institutional objectives, health center 3 -Loja, Ecuador
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Ausentismo; cumplimientos de objetivos; repercusión. Absence; institutional objectives; fulfillment. Ausentismo; cumplimientos de objetivos; repercusión.

How to Cite

Paredes Quezada, L. A., & Garate Aguirre, J. C. (2023). Absence of workers in fulfillment of institutional objectives, health center 3 -Loja, Ecuador. Runas. Journal of Education and Culture, 4(8), e230127. https://doi.org/10.46652/runas.v4i8.127


The objective of this work is to determine the factors of absenteeism of the workers and their influence on the fulfillment of the Institutional objectives of the Health Center No. 3 of the City of Loja Ecuador. The applied methodology is of a correlational type since there is a degree of relationship between the research variables (Absenteeism Factors and Institutional Objectives) and explanatory by this research will respond to the causes of the events, focusing on the why and what. conditions occur, or the relationship between them. These factors were evaluated among 40 servers/workers of Health Center No. 3 in the city of Loja, Ecuador. It was concluded that absenteeism in the workers of the Health Center No. 3 of the city of Loja influences the fulfillment of the institutional objectives set out in the Local Health Operational Program for the year 2022, the main causes being absence due to illness, vacations, and permissions for personal matters.

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