Affections due to the use of the voice, in teachers of the Educational Unit Ciudad de Cuenca
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Afectos; uso da voz; absentismo; deficiência vocal; professores. Afecciones; uso de la voz; ausentismo laboral; incapacidad vocal; profesores. Affections; voice use; absenteeism; vocal disability; teachers.

How to Cite

Campoverde-Andrade, M., & Tamayo-Calle, T. (2023). Affections due to the use of the voice, in teachers of the Educational Unit Ciudad de Cuenca. Runas. Journal of Education and Culture, 4(8), e230120.


The objective of the study is to identify the factors that generate affections due to the use of the voice in teachers of the Ciudad de Cuenca Educational Unit and to demonstrate work absenteeism through their clinical history. A cross-sectional, qualitative, documentary, analytical and statistical retrospective type design is applied to 60 teachers; through surveys of the Vocal Disadvantage Index and the Phoniatrics Commission of the Spanish Otorhinolaryngology Society, modified and validated by expert judgment. Statistical analysis is performed with SPSS v.21.0 software. The tabulated information reflects the type of vocal disability; In the age groups, greater alteration is observed in the female gender, depending on the years of teaching activity, the greatest risk is evident in the range of 6 to 10 years, teachers exposed to temperature changes show an unfavorable trend, the intake of liquor and anxiety are important incidence factors. Work absenteeism generated by pathologies inherent to the respiratory and phonatory system in the period 2021–2022, is 46.25%, a figure that is not tolerable. The presence of protective factors is almost null, reflecting the need to propose preventive and corrective measures that control these alterations.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Manuel Campoverde-Andrade, Tania Tamayo-Calle


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