Impact of digital educational technologies and academic performance in mathematics
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Tecnologias educacionais; ferramentas digitais; desempenho acadêmico; matemática. Tecnologías Educativas; Herramientas Digitales; Rendimiento Académico; Matemáticas. Educational Technologies; Digital Tools; Academic Performance; Mathematics.

How to Cite

Luzuriaga Jaramillo, H. A., Hidalgo Cajo, D. P., Avilés Luna, E. S., Calderón Zambrano, R. L., & Mata López, J. C. (2023). Impact of digital educational technologies and academic performance in mathematics. Runas. Journal of Education and Culture, 4(8), e230118.


This article addresses the problems that arise when using digital educational technologies and the effect they have on the mathematics students of the “Unidad Educativa Rodríguez Albornoz”, which is reflected in their academic performance. The objective of the research is to analyze the impact of the use of digital educational technologies, specifically with the use of the digital tool "Graphmatica", on the academic performance of students in mathematics. Methodologically, a quantitative research design of correlational and cross-sectional approach was used; in addition, two instruments were applied: the first to identify the value that a student gives to mathematics in relation to their future professional life through a Likert-type questionnaire and the second, to measure attitudes towards mathematics; all this in a sample of 45 students (20 males and 25 females) in the school year 2022- 2023. The results obtained show that there is no significant correlation between the use of digital technologies in the classroom and academic performance in the subject of mathematics, thus demonstrating a slight impact with the implementation of the Graphmatica tool.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Héctor Alberto Luzuriaga Jaramillo, Diego Patricio Hidalgo Cajo, Edwin Santiago Avilés Luna, Richar Lutter Calderón Zambrano, Juan Carlos Mata López


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