Methodologies, Strategies and Tools for Active, Meaningful and Differentiated Learning


aprendizagem significativa
instrução diferenciada
aprendizagem ativa aprendizaje significativo
instrucción diferenciada
aprendizaje activo meaningful learning
differentiated instruction
active learning

How to Cite

Espinosa Cevallos, L. F., & Moreno González, C. . (2023). Methodologies, Strategies and Tools for Active, Meaningful and Differentiated Learning. Runas. Journal of Education and Culture, 4(8), e230116.


For learning to be truly relevant, motivating, and long-lasting, it is necessary to go beyond memorization and repetition. For this, it is required to apply active, significant and differentiated methodologies, strategies, and teaching tools. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to explain four methodological proposals (Backward Design, Fink’s Taxonomy, Differentiated Instruction, and Family of Social Models) that will allow to achieve this type of desired learning, and analyze how they can be applied in a real classroom. The following paper analyzes how to apply these methodological proposals in a 7th grade class of Social Sciences and suggests specific tools to be used and explains in depth how to carry them out. This paper allows us to see the importance of a) first stating the objectives and evaluation, to then design the activities to be used (Backward Design), b) the importance of not only reaching knowledge, but also other dimensions like application, integration, human dimension, importance/values, and learning how to learn in our teaching process (Fink’s Taxonomy), c) the benefits of adapting the teaching-learning process to the needs, skills, and interests of students (Differentiated Instruction), and d) the importance of learning as a social and cooperative process, not an individual one (Family of Social Models).


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Ligia Fernanda Espinosa Cevallos, Carina Moreno González


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