Forensic audit, as a control tool to prevent financial fraud in family businesses in the banana sector of the Province of El Oro, Ecuador
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forensic audit; fraud; financial fraud; family businesses. auditoría forense; fraude; fraudes financieros; empresas familiares. auditoria forense; fraude; fraude financeira; empresas familiares.

How to Cite

Nuñez Sanchez, L. D. C., Vásquez Flores, J. A., & Señalin Morales, L. O. (2023). Forensic audit, as a control tool to prevent financial fraud in family businesses in the banana sector of the Province of El Oro, Ecuador. Runas. Journal of Education and Culture, 4(7), e230110.


Family businesses in the banana sector are being affected by various types of fraud that put their productivity, stability, and economic growth at risk. This research focuses on determining the importance of forensic auditing as a control tool to prevent fraud. Using surveys through digital platforms, it was possible to show results for later tabulation according to what was surveyed to 350 banana-producing companies. The results indicate that family businesses in the banana sector in the province of El Oro, Ecuador have a greater risk of being involved in any type of financial fraud because they do not have anti-fraud programs, which makes them vulnerable to any fraudulent situation causing economic damages; being so that the embezzlement is the one that has obtained the greatest relevance given that on many occasions the legacy left by the patriarch has been tarnished by the breach of trust by those who own shares, this may be a member of the family or part of the shareholding group, as has also been the case where those involved in the fraud are not part of the actions because they were assigned to supervise without imagining that they would commit financial crimes.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Lisseth Del Carmen Nuñez Sanchez, José Alberto Vásquez Flores, Luis Octavio Señalin Morales


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