This article aims to analyze the complaint about violence against women in “Congo, Bosnia, Ciudad Juárez” poem by Francesca Gargallo based on the relationship between scriptural practice and the author’s feminist militancy. It was proposed to show that through the author’s poetic writing there is evidenced a feminist claim that discusses different violent manifestations against women. Thus, the poem turns out to be a critical device where the poet intervenes on problems of gender, territory and patriarchal terrorism that place female bodies as spaces of conquest and that signify the tragedy of femicides discourses. For this, in the development of the article and through the analysis of the poetic discourse of the syntactic, phonic, semantic and pragmatic dimensions, a tour through topics such as the body, violence and territoriality that characterize the author is made. Finally, it concluded that literature and feminism are sociocultural practices that define the Francesca Gargallo aesthetic-political project that her career tells us that talking about writing and militancy is the same thing as reading and understanding the women’s situation.
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