Analysis of president Daniel Noboa's visual narrative on instagram and Its impact on public perception
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Narrativas; Instagram; Comunicação política; Percepção pública; Canais digitais. Narrativas; Instagram; Comunicación Política; Percepción Pública; Canales Digitales. Narratives; Instagram; Political Communication; Public Perception; Digital Channels.

How to Cite

Hernández Ruiz, N. A., & España Salvador, R. A. (2025). Analysis of president Daniel Noboa’s visual narrative on instagram and Its impact on public perception. Runas. Journal of Education and Culture, 6(11), e250229.


In the digital age, social media redefines political communication, making the visual aesthetics of digital content a crucial factor. President Daniel Noboa's Instagram posts serve as a case study to understand how visual narratives influence public perception. With over 2.35 billion active monthly users in 2023, Instagram has become a powerful tool on the global political stage. It has become a key platform for political communication, where visual narratives can significantly influence public opinion. Hence, the need arises to analyze the visual aesthetics of President Daniel Noboa’s posts to understand their impact on the perception and response of his Instagram audience. A relational study with a mixed approach, combining quantitative and qualitative analysis, was used. Simple random sampling was used, which made it easy to observe trends and patterns in the posts. The results show how the visual aesthetics used in President Daniel Noboa's Instagram posts significantly impact the audience's perception and response. In conclusion, political visual narratives on Instagram impact public perception in Ecuador.
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