Psychosocial risks in the health personnel of the Auxilio Praxxel clinic in Cuenca
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Fatores psicossociais; risco psicossocial; saúde; desempenho no trabalho; prevalência. Psychosocial factors; psychosocial risk, health, work performance, prevalence. Factores psicosociales; riesgo psicosocial; salud; desempeño laboral; prevalencia.

How to Cite

Lucero Vasquez, N. J., & Andrade Campoverde, D. P. (2023). Psychosocial risks in the health personnel of the Auxilio Praxxel clinic in Cuenca. Runas. Journal of Education and Culture, 4(8), e230139.


Psychosocial factors affect the physical and mental health of workers, so the presence of these has a negative impact on adequate work performance. This research analyzed the presence of psychosocial risks in workers of a private clinic in the city of Cuenca. The general objective was to characterize psychosocial risks in the health personnel of the Auxilio Praxxel clinic in the city of Cuenca. The study was cross-sectional, with a quantitative approach, not experimental design. A sociodemographic survey and a questionnaire of risk factors: SUSESO-ISTAS-21 were carried out on 25 workers. The data were processed in SPSS version 22.0, using descriptive frequencies, percentages, and Pearson correlation coefficient. The working conditions, relationship with co-workers, information received on the work they do, relationship with superiors, material conditions and the equipment available to perform the work were evaluated well and regularly. The results obtained indicated prevalence of high-risk level in the 5 dimensions studied.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Nycole Julissa Lucero Vasquez, Diego Paúl Andrade Campoverde


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