How did colonialism come to influence the Equatorial Guineans to the point of making them invisible? What are the methods used by the latter to reaffirm their visibility? Faced with such questions, the objective of this study is to expose both the elements that characterize the visibility of the Equatorial Guineans and those that reveal their invisibility. The hypothesis that serves as a common thread is that culture and religions, objects of its visibility, ways of understanding the world and its life have been influenced by the Spanish presence. The historical, explanatory, and descriptive methods are used to decipher that, after the conquest and colonization of Equatorial Guinea by Spain, the locals had their cultures with their own characteristics, a factor of their visibility. But colonialism is going to corner these cultures giving free rein to Spanish culture and transforming the colonized into objects of discrimination. In addition to denying all the patterns of life and thought of the indigenous, the colonizer did not want to make the colonized his like and bearer of the cultural values of his country. What engendered sometimes conflicting relationships between them. This leads us to analyze the way in which colonialism makes the Ecuadorian-Guinean and their culture invisible in their own territory, as well as the methods used by the new generations to make themselves visible.
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